How To Kill Warbringer O’mrogg – The Second Boss in Shattered Halls – World of Warcraft

How To Kill Warbringer O’mrogg – The Second Boss in Shattered Halls – World of Warcraft

This essay will explain how to kill Warbringer O’mrogg; the second boss in Shattered Halls. This fight can be more frustrating than difficult. If you get unlucky, your healer can be dead almost immediately.

O’mrogg’s abilities:

Two aggro lists – It is believed that each head (he’s a two-headed Ogre) maintains its own aggro list. You can tell which head you are attacking by his emotes. When he speaks in a new voice, you are most likely establishing aggro on a new list.

Immune to taunt abilities – Damage/healing is the only way to gain aggro on him.

AOE fear – You have two options with this: either make your tank immune to fear, or make sure everyone gets feared. He will charge any player who does not get feared.

Thunderclap – This does AOE nature damage and slows your movement speed.

Burning weapon – When you see his weapon glow, his next attack will hit for fire damage. This will be immediately followed by two AOE fire waves. Melee DPS should try to avoid the fire waves by moving away from him.

Helpful tips:

One player should announce whenever he switches targets, and your healer should start healing that player immediately.

Using two tanks works extremely well for this fight. We typically let my pet engage the boss initially, and then our warrior steps in after Warbringer speaks in a new voice for the first time. Using two tanks makes this fight almost trivial since our healer never gets targeted. However, my pet does have high shadow resistance (240 when buffed). When O’mrogg casts fear, at least one of our tanks avoids the fear which prevents anyone else from getting targeted.

Paladins are great healers for this fight. Since they are wearing plate, they can take several hits from O’mrogg without much cause for concern. Cloth wearers will usually die in two or three hits.

Very important! You must find and kill the assassin in this room before you engage Warbringer O’mrogg. He is usually lurking in a corner to the right. If you don’t find and kill this assassin, you will most likely aggro him during the fight and he will cause a wipe.