How to Leave Her Speechless

How to Leave Her Speechless

It’s probably every man’s dream to be able to leave a woman speechless with their charm and wit, but hardly anyone these days ever practice to be charming and witty. Men these days are seemingly “hardwired” to play the gentleman, following all the rules and being polite at all times. As a result, women these days are thoroughly bored, having to deal with men who happen to be carbon copies of the one before.

But there are some men who manage to leave the women they meet speechless. If you want to know how they do it, it’s simply because they don’t follow the rules. They know the rules don’t interest her in the least, so they make their own rules and give her an experience she’s never had before. In other words, he’s not a nice guy – he’s a bad boy.

You know what they say about nice guys – they finish last. That’s especially the case in the dating game – if you follow all the “rules,” you won’t leave her speechless. You’ll leave her bored. It’s going to take a totally new approach to captivate today’s woman.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you have to become a bad boy in the very sense. But being too nice can make you come off to her as too wussy. Women would like a strong male as their mate, and it’s going to be hard to give off that if you try to be prim and proper all the time. Being gentlemanly is a good thing, but it can only get you so far in the dating game.

Being a “bad boy” entails knowing when to follow the rules and when to bend them. For instance, instead of complimenting her on how she looks, tease her about it. Instead of engaging in small talk, flirt a little. Instead of keeping your distance, lean in, then withdraw. Create some romantic tension by taking risks. Remember, women love men who are confident enough to create their own rules when it comes to dating.

You can also take it to the next level by playing mind games with her. Women don’t like it when you engage her in small talk all the time – everyone has done that to her before. Don’t be afraid to do things a little differently, and she’ll love the breath of fresh air to bring into her social life. Only then will she start looking at you as more than just “one of the guys.”