How to Make Your Woman More Horny

How to Make Your Woman More Horny

Getting more sex from a woman comes down to making her feel hornier. Women are more variable in nature when it comes to sex as opposed to men. Women are not turned on the same way as men are and sex is a different experience to them…so they don’t just want average sex… for them to want sex, it has to be worth having, it has to be exciting, it has to be an experience.

You start by setting up the stage first and foremost. Look at the lightening in the room, do you use dimmers on the lights? The last thing you want is to have bright lights everywhere. You can use candles to create the mood, and especially scented candles that will have an effect on her smell and can act as an aphrodisiac. Next, put on her favourite music to play (obviously turn off any other external sounds such as TV’s, washing machine etc). Make sure the room is warm as women tend to get a lot colder than men and more easily, and you don’t want her to feel like she has to keep her clothes on because its cold. If you have a fire place, then that’s a big bonus. You can pour her a drink that she really likes and enjoys, maybe some champagne.

Another thing you can do is to offer to give her a small back massage, perhaps you can take her hands and rub them (women love this. Try using just the tips of your fingers over her skin.. long, gentle caresses.)

This may all sound like going over the top, but it truly says a lot to the woman you are with. Remember, you are creating an experience for her. Try it, and let me know what you think!