How to Pick the Right Real Estate Agent

How to Pick the Right Real Estate Agent

5 Tips for Hiring the Best Local Real Estate Agent

Whether you are looking to sell a home or buy your first house, the services of a skilled local real estate agent can not be understated. These realty professionals work tirelessly behind the scenes so that you don’t see any issues with the entire transaction from offer to closing. Choosing the right Realtor can be a challenge unless you know exactly what to look for in the best agents.

These are five tips for hiring the best local Realtors and making your real estate transaction as seamless as possible.

1. The Most Productive Agent in the Office

Unlike other businesses where you may not want to be working with the busiest companies, in the realty world, this is a sign of a professional at work. The Realtor in the office who is bringing in the most money and closing the most deals is busy for a reason, they are getting countless referrals, they never sit for a second, and they invested full-time in growing their business. Simply inquire at the local realty office who the top agent is, and you’ll be off to a great start finding the best agent to help with your realty transaction.

Contact a few local realty offices and make a list of the top agent from each company. This is a great starting point in your quest.

2. Following an Agent on Facebook

Once you have a list of a few realty agents you are considering, head over to Facebook to narrow down your search. These agents will all have a social media profile, and you can either follow them or lurk in the shadows and peek into how they conduct themselves online. Instead of diving in with questions, search the page for answers to your questions and see how long it took for the Realtor to respond and how helpful they were with their answers.

If you feel comfortable, ask a question and see how personable the Realtor is about addressing your issues. Since there is no commitment at this point, you can gather information without pressure before making the decision.

3. Interacting with Previous Customers

The best local Realtors will have a nice following on their social media profile pages. Here is your chance to gather some in-depth information without even speaking directly with the agent. Clients who have already worked with a particular Realtor, whether to sell or buy a home, are going to offer feedback on that social media page for local residents to read.

Send these clients a private message about the Realtor, addressing your concerns and just asking about their overall experience both good and bad. This impartial information can give you a clear picture of exactly what you could expect if you do business with this particular Realtor.

4. Realtor Awards and Accommodations

Whether looking to buy a home or sell your property, time is certainly money in each case. Another way to tell if the Realtor you are considering can make short work of closing a deal is to visit the website of their real estate office or their personal website, and look for any awards or accommodations they have racked up over the years. The National Association of Realtors makes it a point to reward the best Realtors in their region, and those Realtors proudly display those awards any chance they can get.

These awards are not handed out to just any Realtor, they must work incredibly hard throughout the year to get those accommodations.

5. The Local Chamber of Commerce

When you need to sell a home fast, every day that you are searching for the right listing agent could be costing you money. One of the ways to get access to the best Realtor quickly is by simply taking a ride to your local Chamber of Commerce to inquire about local Realtors. Not every agent in your area will be registered on the Chamber of Commerce business directory, mostly because they are held to a higher standard that they must uphold throughout the year. These Realtors are representing the area in that directory, so they must perform at the highest level.

The Chamber of Commerce offers residents a free directory or listing on their website where you can scroll through and identify the Realtors that are representing the best of your area.

The best local Realtors are easy to find if you know where to look. Take the time to work through this list and you will be in the best position to team up with a skilled agent who will work on your behalf to get you to closing as quickly as possible. Combining a few of these tips will help you locate the best possible Realtor that connects with you emotionally and professionally.