How to Prepare for a Sales Role Behavioral Interview

How to Prepare for a Sales Role Behavioral Interview

They say first impressions are everything.

When applying for a job, it’s crucial to have a resume that stands out. This will be the first impression a company gets from you as a potential employee.

Not to put any pressure on you, but if you make it to the interviews, you now need to make a big impression at your behavioural interview. Don’t worry because it’s easier than it sounds.

Below you’ll find a guide on how to prepare for a behavioural interview. Keep reading, and we’ll help you get the job.

What Is a Behavioural Interview?

More than likely, you’ve been part of a behavioural interview and not even realised it. It’s an interview that asks you about how you’ve responded in the past to certain situations in order to gauge if you’re a good fit for the company’s future.

In sales behavioural interview, the employer will ask questions to assess whether or not you carry quick problem-solving skills and effective communication tactics. They want to quickly pick out top-notch hires that will bring in sales.

Know Your Stuff

Typical interview questions for an experienced sales position will focus on your past experience in sales. It’s important to highlight your strengths, and it wouldn’t hurt to do some educational refreshing on things you’ve been taught.

The interviewer will most likely ask you about your experience with different sale strategies, different software you’ve used, and administration processes. They are looking to pre-qualify candidates to create a short list of final people.

When answering their questions, make sure to answer thoughtfully. They’ll be able to tell if you’re throwing around empty words in order just to fill the silence. It’s okay to collect your thoughts for a moment before answering.

If you feel like you’re a bit rusty on software programmes and control systems, find a video tutorial or take an online course. Even picking up on some of the well-known sales vocabulary will help you in the interview.

Practice Your Answers

Practising your answers to common sales behavioural interview questions will prepare you.

Be prepared to answer questions regarding your organisational skills and what a typical day in sales has often looked like for you. You’ll also want to know how much time you typically spend working with a client.

Make a mental note of how you prioritise your tasks and clients within a busy week and what you do if one of your clients is being exceptionally difficult. You might even be asked how you’ve handled a difficult supervisor in the past.

Remember how you speak about difficult individuals says a lot about your character. Never speak too negatively or disrespectfully about someone. Focus on how you handled the situation, not on what they did.

Other questions you receive may focus on what you did when a client dropped you, a presentation you’ve given to a client, and goals you’ve set for yourself in the past.

Know the Company

Always do your research on the company you’re interviewing with. When many of us are in a crunch to find another job, we may find ourselves mass-applying to several companies without doing in-depth research.

Once you receive the notification you’ve received an interview slot, sit down to do some digging. Understand the company and its mission. Make sure your values align with theirs.

Don’t hesitate to look at past client reviews. Get excited about their customer service and strong team. Show this excitement in your interview.

If something about the company doesn’t sit right with you, reconsider interviewing with them. You’ll only thrive as a salesperson in a company you have confidence in.

Structure Your Answers

When you give your answer, there’s a basic way to structure it. This structure is to help you provide a clear, concise, helpful response.

You’ll first want to give context about the specific situation the employer asked about. Set the scene for your interviewers. Give needed detail without being too long-winded.

Then dive into what specific goal you needed to reach in order to properly address the situation. Did you need to find a way to make a difficult client happy? Were you trying to finish a project for a tight deadline?

After addressing the task at hand, talk about what steps you took to reach your goal. Use talking about the action steps to lead into talking about the result you saw.

Don’t Let Abstract Questions Throw You Off

There might be some questions thrown at you that seem abstract and odd. Don’t let these questions throw you off because they’re being asked for a reason.

Employers may ask you what kind of tree you’d like to be if you could be one. They may also ask what you think about certain funny things in pop culture or celebrities.

These funny questions may simply be to make you more comfortable, or the company may value employees with humor and quick wit. Even though you’re in a formal interview, don’t feel afraid to show your true personality.

Take a Deep Breath

We know you want to market yourself as one of the top sales candidates for the team. It’s important you prepare, but it’s also just as important that you relax.

Becoming too stressed and anxious can cause burnout. It’s normal to be a tad nervous, but take care of yourself as well. Stay cool under pressure.

Before the big day, make sure to get lots of sleep and eat a good breakfast. Be attentive to your basic human needs to guarantee you’re ready to go!

Get Ready For the Big Day

It’s time to start preparing for your behavioural interview. Show your future employer you have what it takes to be one of their top sales team members.

Make sure to do some refresher courses on important information, and rehearse your answers to common questions. Know how to structure your answers, and don’t let anything throw off your cool.

Put these all into practice and good luck with your next interview.