How to Seduce Women Using Killer Reverse Psychology, Alpha Man and Fractionation Techniques

How to Seduce Women Using Killer Reverse Psychology, Alpha Man and Fractionation Techniques

Every woman has that particular fantasy where she gets wooed by an uninhibited man who will not judge her if she gives in too easily. That man is controlled and strong, yet gentle when it comes to her. That man whispers into her ear and makes her giggle by teasing her. That man is the dream man of every woman.

The funny thing, though, is that whenever women are out, they only meet men who fidget and shake whenever they show any signs of disapproval. It is time for men to learn covert techniques of psychology to attract women in no time.

3 Secret Tips and Tricks to Attract Women Anywhere

1. Reverse Psychology. Women automatically assume that you are interested in her the minute you approach her. If you struggle to impress her, she will be even surer of this. What you need to do is give other people and things your full attention, so she will work harder to grab yours.

2. Alpha Man. Show her that you are not a beta man. Without the use of words, let her feel that you are a man of high quality and importance by talking to everyone else and asking them to do things for you. Be the center of attention and take full charge of group interactions to show her that you are a true leader.

3. Fractionation. This tactic of hypnosis is used as a killer tool of seduction by expert pickup artists and involves getting women onto a rollercoaster of emotions, so that she will affix all of her joy onto you. This will result in her depending on you emotionally and agreeing to your every demand.