How to Sweep a Pretty Black Girl Off Her Feet and Make Her Beg You For Another Date!

How to Sweep a Pretty Black Girl Off Her Feet and Make Her Beg You For Another Date!

I am going to teach you how to sweep a pretty black girl off her feet. More importantly, I am going to insure that you do it so well that she will beg for date number 2.

It can be intimidating going on your first date. You work so hard to get a nice girl, and you do not want to blow it! So, what are the secret tricks? Well, they are not really tricks. They are clear ways to sweep a girl off her feet, and make her feel like a princess, are you with me?

I have 3 tips for you to learn how to sweep a pretty black girl off her feet:

1) Open Her Door: Assuming you are taking her out for dinner, you need to open her door. Believe me, taking her out for dinner is the best first date, It shows that you value her company. So, be a gentleman and open the door for her as you approach the restaurant.

2) Complement Her: Make the pretty black feel like she is the best looking lady in the building. Tell her how good she looks, and acknowledge her shoes. You see, ladies love when guys appreciate their shoes.

3) A Gift: Before you get to dessert, let her have a present. I know this sounds a bit over the top for the first date, but it works. You have to show that you put a lot of thought into it.

If you follow these tips you will easily learn how to sweep a pretty black girl off her feet.