How to Tell If He is Jealous – Hint, if He is Jealous Then He Definitely Likes You a Lot

How to Tell If He is Jealous – Hint, if He is Jealous Then He Definitely Likes You a Lot

Jealousy. To a few people, the indicators of a jealous personality may already be obvious, but many are quite oblivious to the glaring signs of this feeling. Would you want to be able to tell if your man starts behaving like a possessively jealous guy?

He’s jealous when he becomes upset with stories of your past relationships.

Although your ex has long been gone, your guy still feels offended each time you mention your past relationship with him. To him, he’s the present man and there should be no more mention of past relationships.

He’s jealous when he starts acting possessive in the presence of your friends.

Try to observe how he behaves when you’re together with your best friends. It really doesn’t matter whether your friends are girls or guys (although he’d be more jealous when guy friends gather around you). To him, the time that you spend with your friends should have been time spent with him instead.

He seems threatened when your gaze falls upon another man.

If your guy tries to block you with his body just so you won’t see Hunk #1 walking down the street, then you know for sure that he’s overly jealous. He’s also jealous when he looks at the other guy and tries to convey through his angered look that he already owns you.

He’s the jealous type when he needs to know your location each time.

A guy who’s secure with your relationship would need to ask once where you’re at and that’s it – he wouldn’t hound you with text messages or frequent calls. If your man demands to know where you’re at every hour, then you definitely have, not only a jealous man, but an excessively possessive guy for a boyfriend.

He’s jealous when he reacts negatively to people (mostly guys) who say that you’re attractive.

Instead of feeling good or proud that he has a gorgeous girlfriend, a jealous guy would become mad at other people who appreciate her beauty. He also doesn’t want to see you mingling with these people as he sees them as a threat to your secluded little world with him.

He’s jealous when he feels bad that you’re having fun without him.

Of course you have to spend some hours away from him, but when it comes to his knowledge that you had fun during his absence, he will make sure that you’ll feel guilty about it.

He’s jealous when he says that you don’t prioritize him.

Men are territorial by nature, so when his territory (you) is threatened to be taken away from him, he automatically retaliates. He also verbalizes his insecurity by saying that you no longer prioritize him.

It’s okay for a man to feel a bit of jealousy but when this feeling turns into possessiveness or even obsession, then it’s no longer considered healthy, therefore, it’s your responsibility to get out of the relationship as fast as you can.