How to Turn a Woman on Quickly And Make Her Burn With Intense Desire For Your Love!

How to Turn a Woman on Quickly And Make Her Burn With Intense Desire For Your Love!

Let me ask you a simple question. Do you know that it’s really easy to turn a woman on? To do this, you just need to plant (or suggest) some ideas in her mind and make her imagine doing things you want her to do with you. Read on to discover the killer methods to turn a woman on quickly and easily…

How To Turn A Woman On Quickly… And Make Her Burn With Intense Desire For Your Love!

Step #1: Elicit Positive Feelings. In order for a woman to be turned on, she will first need to feel GOOD about herself. Remember that all women are insecure – no matter if she looks like Angelina Jolie or Paris Hilton. You will need to ASSURE her that she indeed looks good.

Do not just MINDLESSLY praise her (“you have beautiful eyes”) but say something with substance. At the same time, don’t be too direct (“your breasts are nice – I am dying to squeeze them”) – be tactful!

Step #2: Start Touching Her. If you don’t touch her, then what’s the point of turning her on? When she is already feeling sufficiently “positive” (the first step above), then it’s time to escalate and take things to the next level.

You must start by touching places which are “non-sexual”. The biggest mistake that men make is that they start by touching sensitive areas such as a woman’s inner thighs or buttocks. Don’t do this! Instead, go for relatively safe areas such as her hands, her knees and elbows. Come across as non-threatening, and remember to take one step at a time.

One useful tip – if she ever “rejects” you by pushing your hand away when you touch her – don’t force yourself on. Instead, play a “Mind Control Trick” on her by shutting her out completely. This will make her feel curious, and most of the time she will pull you back in!