How to Win a Rap Battle – Freestyle Battle Tips

How to Win a Rap Battle – Freestyle Battle Tips

If you want to discover how to win a rap battle, then check this out. You will discover freestyle battle tips to become a great hip hop battle rapper.

Do you make plans for your rap battles, or do you just go to the battle and start battling? It is actually very important to do some planning ahead of time before you get there. In our conversation today, we are going to discuss planning and making goals.

You definitely want to set goals and plans to win every rap battle you face. If you write down your goals and read them every morning or evening, your chances of achieving your goals are higher than for those who don’t write them down.

Now if you were to ask most of the rappers, you would find that a majority of them don’t have any goals and if they do have them, they don’t have them written down.

So you definitely want to make sure that once you have set your goals that you also write them down and post them where you can read them very day. A good place to post them is by your bathroom mirror so that you can read them in the morning. This is a great way to start off your day.

Now you may be wondering how to set your goals for your battle plans. Remember that your goal is what you are trying to achieve or the outcome you want or expect from your battle.

Once you have set the goal, you want to make sure that you write down the steps that you are going to take to achieve that goal. In other words, you want to write down the blueprints.

As you set your goals, you want to create 1 month goals, 3 month goals and then 1 year goals. Make realistic goals, making sure that the goals are not so difficult that you can’t achieve them.

For more freestyle battle tips, continue to read below.