How You Can Help People Affected by Hurricane Harvey

How You Can Help People Affected by Hurricane Harvey

As I'm writing this in my office, I see images of people young and old, walking through floods with all of their worldly holdings in bags on small boats or being transported in their hands. Some also take their dogs and cats in their arms. I've seen news footage of seniors sitting in nursing homes as they've awaited rescue.

It is in moments like this that our country comes together and demonstrates the great American spirit of action and our shared ideals. And, I'm proud to see that we're coming together as a nation – helping one another in any way possible, even in prayer. I've spoken to colleagues and contacts in the South, and I have heard of people taking their boats to Texas to help anyone they can, especially those who experienced Hurricane Katrina. When FEMA calls out to the public and requests everyone who can come and help, you know we must have a devastating natural disaster on our hands.

I've received messages and calls from people asking me where they should send their donations. And, as I've done in the past, here are but a few suggestions for you of places where you can donate. Hurricane Harvey is not yet finished with its destruction as of this writing. It's going to be months, if not years before the people affected will get their lives back on track. At the minimum, it will be a new reality for countless people.

What follows are some suggestions of places where you might consider making a financial donation. Do not forget, every dollar counts. If you can only give $ 1, those in need will be just as grateful as if you could give hundreds, or even thousands of dollars more.

  • Feed the Children: This nonprofit is responding with disaster relief supplies to individuals and families affected by Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast and in Texas.
  • Buckner Foundation: This organization is working with children and families affected by the natural disaster, and any proceeds received over the relief efforts will be used for their general ministry funding.
  • American Red Cross: The Red Cross is one of the leading agencies on the ground and working round the clock trying to help the people and families who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey.
  • Covenant House Texas: This organization has one of its youth homeless shelters in Houston and in other parts of Texas. In particular, they've been working to ensure that any teen who has found himself or herself homeless in Texas is taken care of in a safe environment, especially in light of Hurricane Harvey.

There are many local schools, faith based organizations and others that are in need of your generosity today. The ones I've listed above are just four of hundreds, if not thousands of places you can support today.

Take a moment and get online to see if one of the organizations I listed could be a charity you could support. For additional local nonprofits, please take a look at the Charity Navigator and their page, "Hurricane Harvey: Charities Providing Assistance in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey."