Humility, the Path to Follow to Self-Improvement

Humility, the Path to Follow to Self-Improvement

Wealth, Happiness and Success, the Journey Through the Law of Attraction has several paths to follow. The passage discussed in this article is the Path of Humility. Of all the paths discussed in this series, the Path of Humility will be your most rewarding.

The desire to achieve success is a healthy pursuit unless you set unrealistic goals. When you try to realize unrealistic goals, the feelings of incompleteness and failure set in. To avoid these disappointments, set realistic and obtainable goals. As you attain each goal, set a higher, realistic and obtainable aspiration. As you achieve and become successful, do not become full of oneself. In other words, be on guard to prevent your ego from influencing your behavior. The best way to do this, is by practicing humility.

Be respectful and sincere to all you meet. Do not show arrogance or presume to know it all. Such actions only drive others away from you. By showing respect and treating all with kindness, your acquaintances will be drawn to you. They then become a resource for information, friendship, business partners or even customers.

As your success grows, remember the less fortunate around you. Extend a helping hand by giving. Give the gift of time, your most precious asset. By taking the time to show others that you care, you raise their self esteem. This simple act of kindness, will start them down the path of success. Do not be afraid to humble yourself and show that you care. Remember that by giving, you are telling yourself that you have succeeded.

In order to be humble and treat others with humility, you need to know the state of your inner environment. Your mind’s thoughts and beliefs determine who you are. Contemplate your inner environment on a regular basis via self introspection. Knowing and choosing the proper appropriate words of your thoughts enables you to become humble and begin the practice of humility.

The path of humility, the treating of all with respect and establishing your integrity, generates positive energy. All benefit from humility especially you by your giving. Giving confirms that you have succeeded and that you have achieved contentment. It is your contentment that confirms your abundance. The process of practicing humility awakens you to higher plateaus of consciousness.