Hunting Hitler – A Book Review

Hunting Hitler – A Book Review

The author of “Hunting Hitler”, Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, received his PhD from Harvard University in political science. He is currently under contract with World Net Daily as a staff writer working as an investigative reporter. He has written New York Times best sellers “Unfit for Command”, “Obama Nation”, and “The Great Oil Conspiracy.”

Truth Is

Astounding evidence came out in 2009 from three American professors that had access to Hitler’s alleged remains surprised the globe with scientific DNA proof that the skull and bones Russia claimed were Adolf’s were in fact the skull of a forty year old woman. This reinforced Joseph Stalin’s belief that in fact Hitler did get away after the war a claim he maintained to the end of his life. Truth is no one saw Eva Braun & Hitler die in the bunker; no photos were taken to document that fact; fact is no bodies were ever found in the bunker; no physical evidence exists tying them to the scene.

Hitler Escaped

Corsi and his researchers maintain the possibility that Hitler escaped from Nazi Germany at the end of the war and even Dwight D. Eisenhower, the allied commander, said he thought Hitler was still alive. FBI & CIA records kept at the National Archives maintain the U.S. government took serious the reports that Hitler & Eva Braun escaped to Argentina in a Nazi U-boat. Even the trial judge at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals said he believed,” No one is for sure Adolph Hitler is dead.”

The Fourth Reich

Corsi compiles massive amounts of proof plus painstaking research and evidence that points to Hitler’s escape to Argentina even down to the exact landing area on the beach. The question remains did Hitler escape to plan revenge and the rise of the Fourth Reich? There was a large German community in Argentina that backed Adolph; in fact they worshipped him as a cult hero. Could it be after he lived out his life there they had access to his DNA knowing that sometime in the future perhaps technology would exist to be able to clone him back to life?


In this intriguing look into the history of the Nazi party, its godlike leader, and Hitler’s escape we learn the thinking of criminal minds, the propagandizing of the truth, the thievery that set up his escape, and how the Nazi’s had help here in America to fund their monster killing machine. These traitors exist in our political system unto this day plotting the overthrow of our republic. Corsi merely turns the light on these cockroaches and you can see them all run for cover. I give it five stars out of five even though it is a short read no words are wasted.