I Am Stunned by Your Obsession, Yet it Becomes You and the Monsters in My Closet

I Am Stunned by Your Obsession, Yet it Becomes You and the Monsters in My Closet

I am stunned by your obsession,

it makes me feel plain and completely uninteresting,

a mirror without reflection,

a watch with no hands

a mountain with no view

a match that refused to light up

an ocean dark, but without depth.

Long walks on the beach


chances to find me

past who I think I should be.

I am somewhere in the distant past

on the brink of the future

if I stand still I can hear me breathing…

just now.

I’ve adjusted?

It’s not as if I would not cower if challenged.

I seem tranquil?

That’s what my drawings think

when signatures are engraved.

Worries feel disposable?

No I am afraid… not ever.

I have met my lace rimmed jar

creatures inside

tokens of me


seeking out a more refined timeline.

They pause

stubborn little soldiers they are.

I breathe inside the moment

yet within my circle

treasures are unsaid

and oft times undone.

Viewed and dismissed

as an empty

well scheduled atonement

fleeing and forever blind.

I must take a second look

I am that discerning eye

eyes not blind forever

only hearts find that much emptiness.

Sometimes it’s a good thing

pretending to lose ones way.

Is that pretend?

I confess to be laughing out loud.


I’ve said it

stretched my blanket out across the table

I am completely uncovered.

Mistress of dance

I have known your late hours

felt jealous.

I lied

when to say I have not.

I nearly missed that preoccupied motion

steps I simple misplaced.

Oh my god

this screaming monster

I have created in these words.

It’s all so timely

reminding me

I recognize the passion

it is mine own.

Monsters in the closet


sometimes frightening.

More blood on my pillow

ripping into my ears

let it rest.

I will get back to my canvas

or clay meeting my fingers

try to predict the outcome

fold in sacred meanings blasting with color.

Your obsession has brought me to this place

I’d like to say that it is golden


it is of course.

I know my own monsters

and they are friends of mine.