I Wonder Where Mutual-Understanding Is?

I Wonder Where Mutual-Understanding Is?

In my previous article “No BB, No Cry”, I already talk about teenager and their fast grew phenomenon. Now I will not talk further more about teenagers and BB matters. I will talk about what affect their attitude and actions toward recent daily life.

When I was a kid, I only saw acts of violence in movies. Anyway, it was just a movie; their actions were not real. My parents always accompany me whenever I watched movie, and giving explanation about what is good and what is bad. Since the enactment of the reform era in this country, almost everyday I saw violence in TV news. It was not a script; it was a real thing with real blood and damages. Those TV station shows video footages live from the scene without proper edits, even they focused on the way those people killing each other! Don’t forget about those reality-show programs and soap opera. Imagine how many inappropriate language and actions shown in those programs. They always focus on the conflict, NOT how to solve the problem without triggering another conflict. I wonder what if children watching this scenes? Isn’t it could bring harmful effect toward their personality? I bet that nowadays parents are no longer care if their children watching a bad-influence TV program.

Now I’m no longer surprised whenever I pay attention toward those aggressive behaviors of teenagers/adults nowadays. No wonder why little kids nowadays sings adult romantic songs instead of kid songs. They affected by TV programs which are showing violence/rude scenes, using slang and bad words, shows how cruel this life was, etc. No wonder if those people who involved in riots or clashes react so brutally toward their opponents.

Talking about reform era, we are talking about freedom. Or I can say, this country is experiencing excessive freedom. Rules are made to be broken. Our nation is no longer a friendly nation; it has become a short-tempered nation. I think it would be ridiculous if we talking about democracy while our nation has a lost-control mental. How can we talk about democracy if it is so hard to us controlling our self or even creating a mutual understanding condition?

Expecting change? It is all back to our self first. Are we willing to control our self and being introspective or we will always accuse others? It is our choice.