If You Have Not Considered Getting an Alliance Leveling Guide Then You May Want To

If You Have Not Considered Getting an Alliance Leveling Guide Then You May Want To

Most players that are new to the World of Warcraft game have not even thought about getting any type of an alliance leveling guide; however, if you want to get to the higher levels quicker and start fighting for the Alliance then you really should consider getting a leveling guide.

Just as in most games in WoW you have to get from level to level in order to really develop your character, but this game is far more detailed than most and it can be confusing at times. When you use and alliance leveling guide it provides you with help from someone that has actually already accomplished what you are trying to achieve. This helps you to avoid wrong turns and get you headed in the right direction.

As most any alliance leveling guide, or any guide for that matter, will tell you that grinding is the most boring way to level up and most players do agree with this. Normally the suggested ratio is 10% grinding and 90% questing. If you adhere to this rule you will be able to level up much faster.

When checking out an alliance leveling guide look for one that tells you how to get the best weapons and armor before you head off into battle; and that tells you how to keep both of these in the best condition possible. Try not to waste too much time on a quest that has you searching for specific people or items as they will quickly eat up your time; rather you should keep to the ones that have you gather a number of items or that require you to kill mobs.

A good alliance leveling guide will also tell you to always remember to use the auto run feature so that it enables you to do things like don your armor when you are moving, or even to talk to others.