Importance of Delegation in Business

Importance of Delegation in Business

Delegation means giving staff in a business tasks to complete that would normally be the responsibility of someone else. Tasks can be assigned to managers or their subordinates. This allows a business owner or manager to reduce his or her workload and focus on critical business issues. In addition, it is more cost effective to delegate a routine task that does not need special skills or knowledge to a person whose time does not come at the same cost as a superior’s.

Effective delegation relies on the ability to work together as a team and the ability of a manager to delegate tasks to the right people. In order to do this, use the following steps:

· Define the task before delegating it

· Understand why the task must be completed and the importance of its completion to the business

· Establish a timeline for completion of the task

· Provide support to the person the task is delegated to

· Understand that the person who delegates the task is ultimately responsible for its successful completion

Aside from time and cost savings, delegation allows members of staff to develop in their job roles. It provides a training mechanism that teaches people how the business works and what the business functions are. Learning how to delegate tasks also promotes personal growth for managers as they gain experience in training others, identifying and refining tasks, and managing their own time and the time of their subordinates.

Staff who are entrusted with additional responsibility tend to perform better as they understand that their contributions are valued important to the business. Showing that you have confidence in someone’s abilities makes them feel more confident and secure in their job role.

The delegation process further improves communication, building stronger team links, and increasing efficiency and responsibility. Encourage others to help the selected member of staff with the task where appropriate in order for more people to understand how the business functions and how tasks add to the day to day running of the company.

Being an effective leader involves building up those around you. To delegate effectively, trust, honesty, and communication are essential. You have to trust the member of staff to perform the task you set out for him or her, be honest and clear about your expectations, and effectively communicate changes, feedback, and technical or theoretical information related to the task.

These skills are not as easy as they seem and may require some development on your part. Identify your weak points and work to improve them. For example, if you find it difficult to quantify and communicate your expectations to your subordinates, make notes of the results you expect from the delegated task and refer to these while briefing the staff member. If the task is complex, draw up a step-by-step guideline designed to simplify the process. This not only allows the member of staff to refer to your instructions when needed, but also allows you to express the process clearly.


Business Coach