Importance of Rock in the Biosphere

Importance of Rock in the Biosphere

There is a close relationship between the living and non living components within an environment. This concept and interrelationship is explained in many scientific concepts such as ecology and bio-diversity. The non living components of the earth range from the soil, rock, rivers etc. These components greatly influence the living things. In fact, the living things depend greatly upon them.

What is Biosphere?

The biosphere is the region where live exists. This definition is derived from the two words that combine together to form it; Bio – life – and sphere – region.

What is Rock?

The rock is a natural occurring solid material that comprises of one or more minerals. These minerals are solid and have naturally occurring chemical compounds that are homogenous. Homogenous means that they have a definite chemical composition and their atoms are arranged in a regular pattern. We find rocks everywhere around us. We find them in the bottom of the sea and on the earth surface (which is primarily made of rocks).

Types of Rocks

Based on the way they are formed, rocks are divided into 3 main types; these are igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks. The igneous rocks are one of the world’s oldest rocks and are made of old rocks that are melted within the earth to form magma. When magma escapes from the mantle where it resides and reaches the surface of the earth, it solidifies and forms igneous rocks.

Sedimentary rocks are formed from layers of materials that settler on each other. These materials can be fragments of weathered rock from igneous rocks, fossils and other earthly materials. They press together (compaction), lose their water content, solidify and become sedimentary rocks.

The metamorphic rocks are formed from existing rocks. When an existing rock is exposed to high temperature and pressure, it changes (still in its solid state) to form a new rock known as metamorphic rock.

What is the Importance of Rock in the Biosphere?

Rock is an aggregate of minerals; they play very vital role in the biosphere. One of the most important functions it performs is the generation of energy.

Coal, which is a combustible organic rock, is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is used to produce the energy in manufacturing steel. It is also used in making medicines, pesticides, fertilizers and many other products.

Another important rock in the biosphere is Limestone. This is a sedimentary rock and is used for building homes and other structures in many part of the world. It is used as cut stone in building and is common in Cathedrals and Palaces in Europe. The rock is soft in nature; this gives the building the opportunity to be creative with it. It is used for many decorative cravings. It is used in building railway lines and road beds.

When the limestone is heated, the calcium carbonate present in it decomposes to lime or calcium oxide. This calcium oxide is used as a flux when smelting lead and copper ores to produce iron and steel. The lime is used in the course of manufacturing cement and concrete.

Limestone is a sedimentary rock and when it is subjected to temperature and heat it become marble – a metamorphic rock. Marble is used also in building for finishing works. It is used in decorations.

All the important metals that are mined in the world are found in rocks. Gold, copper, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Silver and lead are all found in rocks. Hematite, magnetite and limonite are all rocks that are sought after because of their great importance. Hematite and magnetite are sought for their rich iron content.