Impress Your Boss-Tip 38: Be Yourself-You Are Probably Pretty Good at It

Impress Your Boss-Tip 38: Be Yourself-You Are Probably Pretty Good at It

If you want to impress your boss, without sucking up, be yourself. Yes, in a sense you are risking embarrassment, maybe even setting yourself up for a bit of teasing, but showing your true face is has several powerful advantages.


When you show your true face, people begin to know you. This give them confidence in you, and makes them feel safe. It also help you attract other people authentic people into your life. They won't all be just like you, but they will be people who appreciate honesty and appreciate the qualities that make you special. Isn't that the type of people you want around you? Your boss will have confidence in you too. He'll see that the face you present to him is the same face you show to your coworkers and family. He'll see that you attract and surround yourself with people who have guts. That's impressive.


Being who you are shows wisdom too. It shows you are wise enough to have a little perspective: "So, some people don't like me. I can live with that." Strangely enough, in my experience, most bosses like it that you are willing to show you don't desperately need their approval. If all your boss sees is your I'm-a-pleasing-puppy face, well, they just won't ever let you play with the big dogs.

Joy and Ease

The secret, unexpected benefit, of being yourself, is the feeling of joy and ease you experience. When you take a little time to learn who you are, what you like and don't like, what you believe and what you are willing to stand up and fight for, life suddenly gets easier. You've only got two hands to work with, and if you are using one hand to hold up a mask, it cuts the amount of work you can do almost in half. If you are worried about what others think, it limits your creativity. If you are always second guessing, plotting and over thinking you don't have extra energy to give your family and friends when they need help. You don't notice when you have a good idea, or when you need to keep your mouth shut, and pretty soon, you're in trouble again!

So, no need to suck up to get ahead. Just relax and be yourself. Try it for five minutes a day, and I believe you'll be very surprised at the results.