Indian Animals

Indian Animals

India is home to more than 80 national parks and 144 wildlife sanctuaries. The country is a hub for wildlife enthusiasts, who linger on to spend days and night peeping into the wild harbors. A survey conducted over the wildlife populations briefs out a rough data on the number of exotic flora and fauna, commonly found in the Indian jungles. Not less then 410 species of mammals and 500 species of reptiles inhabit the core region of the country.

With covering acres of land in different parts of India, the wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are paradise for animal-watchers. Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary(Kerala), Ranthambore Rajasthan), Kaziranga (Assam), Bandhavgarh (Madhya Pradesh), Kanha (Madhya Pradesh), Sunderbans (West Bengal), Manas (Assam), Bandipur (Mysore) are a few wildlife destinations.

Popular Wild Animals in India

Indian Elephant:

Popularly called as Asian Elephant, the animal species is one of the largest land mammal on the Earth. Each female elephant weigh about 6, 000 ponds, while male elephant weigh up to 11, 900 pounds. Enthusiasts can enjoy elephant safari in Banhavgarh, Periyar and Corbett National Park

Indian Lion:

Also, known as Asiatic Lion, it is one of the most endangered carnivore in the entire world. It is the major attraction of Gir National Park.

Royal Bengal Tiger:

The Bengal tiger is the largest member of the cat family. Featured with sharp teeth, strong jaws and an agile body, the animal is a smart hunter in the jungle. It can be greatly encountered in the Indian Peninsular region.

Project Tiger:

About 60% of the world’s tiger population is native to the wild jungles of India. Enthusiasts can easily find their presence in Bandhavgarh, Corbett, Ramthambore, Dudhwa, Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary etc.


This species of the cat family have muscular and elongate body structure. They have broad paws and short ears and found loitering in the tropical regions. Wildlife enthusiasts can check the leopard population in Ranthambore and Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary.

Indian Rhino

The One-horned Rhino is among the endangered species, found only in Kaziranga and Manas Wildlife Sanctuary of Assam. Each Indian Rhino, normally, weighs about 2, 000 kg and is learned of to have occurred in the sub-Himalayan region, since ancient times.