Information on How To Engage Your Golden Retriever’s Mind and Body

Information on How To Engage Your Golden Retriever’s Mind and Body

The Golden Retriever is a sweet, lovable, attractive and fun loving dog. If you are thinking about adopting one you want to get as much Golden Retriever Information as possible.

There are many different ways you can obtain a Golden Retriever, but the number one best way is to adopt from a shelter. The people there will help match a dog to your personality and circumstances and you will have saved a doggy life.

If you are bent on getting a pup, the please do not go to the pet store. Instead seek out a serious hobby breeder, one that belongs to the American Kennel Club and a local club. If you do that, odds are you have found a responsible intelligent breeder and not a puppy mill.

Golden Retrievers are a great dog for family and for companionship. They love to learn and have a great love of kids. If you have a family and the dog will get lots of attention then this dog is a good fit your family.

If on the other hand you are not home very much and perhaps your household has two income earners and your kids are in school all day then the Golden Retriever is not for you. This dog cannot be home all day by himself. She is a very social creature she needs to have people around.

In fact your Golden Retriever both wants and needs to have people around to please. It’s part of their nature. They tend to look up to humans and have a need to please.

Golden Retriever also need to get outside and get exercise, a lot of exercise. They are not an apartment dog and they are not a dog well suited to the elderly. They need to be busy both physically and mentally.

Your Golden will do virtually any outdoor activity you can imagine. Your Golden is great to jog with for example. He will play fetch for hours and chase a ball until your legs fall off.

They are also an intelligent dog which means your need to also keep their mind stimulated. A great way to do this is to teach them some tricks. It’s relatively easy and fun. Beside the standard sit, stay, heel, come and now commands which you must teach him you can teach him to shake-a-paw, rollover, fetch and down.

You can also teach your Golden to walk herself. By that I mean carry her down leash and follow you. They are smart and eager to please and this is good one to engage the mind.

Of course a Golden, like any dog, can come with it’s share of challenges. They love to chew for example. This can obviously wreak havoc on your belongings, your shoes, your furniture you name it, they will chew it. It’s relatively easy to remedy, make sure they are well exercised so they aren’t unloading exercise energy into the chewing and also make sure they have some really good chew toys. This will shift the focus off of your stuff.

A Golden Retriever is a great companion and a great family friend. However your Golden Retriever is not a watch dog. He or she may bark at an intruder but effectively only to welcome him to the house. About the only menacing thing the dog might do is lick your intruder or possibly chew his shoes.

A Golden Retriever also sheds a lot. You must brush her a lot at least twice a week. The other downside of a dog that sheds this much is that if you have family members that have allergies, you probably want to consider this breed.