Internet Millionaire Blueprints

Internet Millionaire Blueprints

Maybe I just belong to too many Internet Marketing Lists but it seems that new product after new product is being rolled out at the moment with overinflated sales pitches.

I am not going to bash any products or Internet Marketers here but the deluge of  “Make 10,000 / Month or more” offers are ridiculous & an insult to peoples intelligence.

The only people making those #’s with these products over the next 30 days are the marketers with the monster lists that are pushing them!

I’m sure if you have been investigating online opportunities, you have been shown a marketers clickbank or PayPal report – Yes the #’s are very impressive but they are accounts from major players in this industry & without joint ventures or access to their lists, they are way beyond the average Internet marketers capabilities.

So from that perspective, are any of them worth the money?

Surprisingly my answer is yes! But you must follow through with the information you receive – No Action = No results.

Why Yes – Why pay for an Internet Marketing System?

1. You need to know where to look

2. You need to know what your looking at

3. You need to determine if the advice is legitimate or self serving

All Internet Newbies fall into this trap (Including Myself) you are not sure what you are looking for, your not sure what is good advice, you over analyze everything  & when you decide to act you think your ideas are better than a proven technique & don’t follow the instructions through to conclusion.

The end result is you don’t succeed & move on to the next great promotion & start again!

If this is you, or you are lucky enough to be reading this before you get fall into this self defeating trap then there is one all important training technique you need from any program you are considering.



With the Blueprints to a successful site you can simply follow along & replicate the concept in any niche you desire.

Without them you are being told what to do without any clear path to follow & you will go astray.

Ewen Chia’s “Internet Millionaire Blueprints”  Gives the exact blueprint to follow to replicate successful Internet marketing websites.

Following is easy & knowing you are following a technique that is already working will help to stop you branching out in the wrong direction.

Whether you follow Ewen or a different marketer make sure you are getting the Blueprints to a proven site not a hypothetical do this & you will succeed program.