Introduction to the Male Chastity Lifestyle

Introduction to the Male Chastity Lifestyle

There’s a new sensation sweeping the nation! Male chastity is quickly becoming an important part of many marriages and long-term relationships. That’s why male chastity belts are one of the most popular sex-related devices sold in America.

In fact male chastity is so popular, you probably have several friends and neighbors who are practicing it without you knowing it! But, as more and more people hear about male chastity, they often wonder what it is – and why so many men and women have decided to make it a fundamental part of their relationship.

After all, most people don’t discuss their private marital business and there is a lot of fantasy out there. That’s why I’d like take a few minutes to introduce you to the male chastity lifestyle.

The basis of male chastity is that men cannot control themselves. They think with their penis, and this is bad for any relationship. Plus, they need to feel like they are conquering their woman in order to maintain sexual interest.

That’s why during the dating process the man can seem romantic, sensitive and always willing to make love. But, after you are married he may stop being as caring, become less interested in sex and do things like masturbate, look at porn or have affairs that can damage your relationship.

It’s because he feels like he has you; the thrill of conquest is gone. Plus, men cannot help but masturbate – often while thinking about other women – and this reduces the amount of libido he directs toward you.

Male chastity changes all that. In a male chastity relationship, you use a device to put his penis under lock and key. Therefore, he can only achieve an erection or have an orgasm when you decide to unlock him.

No longer will he cheat on you by masturbating. You won’t have to worry about him being seduced by a woman of low character. And, he’ll direct all of his sexual energy at you.

Every time you unlock him he’ll feel like he’s won you over again, so he’ll always be trying to conquer you. He’ll do anything and everything he can to please you, just for the chance to win your permission to achieve the orgasms and erections he feels like he needs. He’ll never look at porn again. He’ll become more romantic. He’ll do more things around the house.

In short, he’ll become the perfect husband! Better still, your sex life will improve dramatically. Robbed of his penis, he’ll try to do anything else he can to bring you to orgasm – because he knows it is the only way to earn his freedom.

Sex will become completely centered on him pleasing you. You’ll receive more oral sex and loving attention than you have ever felt before. Night after night, he’ll make love to you with his hands, mouth and soul. No longer will you have to worry about him mounting you, pumping for a few minutes and then going to sleep.

But, this is not a one-sided street. There are benefits for him as well. When he is released his orgasms will be more intense than ever before, his erections will be harder and his libido will be incredible.

In short, you’ll both start having the best sex of your lives – while working on improving your marriage.

That’s why so many couples have realized that the male chastity lifestyle is right for their relationship, and why I think almost every couple should seriously consider making it a part of their marriage.