Is Article Marketing Still Effective With Google Updates?

Is Article Marketing Still Effective With Google Updates?

Everyone wants the know the truth about article marketing but not so many are willing to accept the answer! So is article marketing dead?

Google will continue to update their algorithms and marketers will continue to complain. So the first thing to do it forget about it! Stop obsessing over Google changes and listening to marketers who complain about their lack of traffic.

Those are the marketers that have most likely been trying to manipulate their rankings to get traffic. Who wants to listen to them? They follow fades not facts.

Article marketing still works for those who understand why they use it and do so in the right way. Here is how article marketing can work for you.

Writing For Your Readers

Write articles that will appeal to the concerns your readers have today. Write for them and your articles will be searched for by those same people.

This means writing good quality, informative articles that deliver value to your reader. Your writing should flow and a good way to know this is the case is to read your article out loud. If there is anything wrong with it then you will hear that is just doesn’t sound right.

Forget About Keywords

Keyword research is fine for coming up with ideas on what to write about but when it comes to actually writing it is best to forget about keywords – then your words will flow.

Besides Google has stopped obsessing about keywords anyway – they are looking at the overall meaning of your content so we can learn something valuable from Google here.

Put Your Article Where The Traffic Is

Adding your article to the sites that get lots of traffic in your particular niche is where you will continue to get traffic in the long term.

Many article directories no longer get much traffic and therefore there would be not point adding your article to those.

However, there are still a few directories that get millions of views every month. Does it sound like their traffic is dead? I don’t think so. It might be less than it was say 5 years ago but certainly the traffic is still there!

Taking Massive Action

Article marketing like any other type of content marketing requires massive action. It is no good just having a handful of articles and expecting tons of traffic. You might be lucky and it go viral but this is not the norm.

The same goes for slides and videos. You need a lot to begin to see consistent results and to get traction.