Is Skate 3 Any Good? Find Out in Our Review

Is Skate 3 Any Good? Find Out in Our Review

I’ve been playing Skate 3 for a couple of weeks now and it’s one of those games that when you play it you’ll want to skate, the same as Assassins Creed makes me want to climb buildings and poison people. Okay maybe not the last bit but you get the picture.

Skate 3 has improved since the last two skate’s, and since there was only a year between Skate 2 and Skate 3 I wasn’t expecting such a big change with the game play.

The graphics are a similar to Skate 2 which isn’t a bad thing as the graphics were already impressive. The developers BlackBox have added a difficulty option so that if you’re bad like me you won’t need to perfect at timing your tricks and flips. Skate 3 also allows you to play campaign with your friends, I generally feel that games that allow you to play the story with friends are more fun because when you’re playing alone it can get boring way too fast.

The way you do tricks on Skate 3 is by moving the analogue stick, I much prefer this to the Tony Hawks method of spamming the buttons and hopefully pulling off some sweet tricks. I think that when you do the tricks and flips with the analogue stick the connection between what you’re doing and your skaters actions is realistic and it gives the game a better feel. Although I like the analogue approach It can get quite tricky sometimes to remember what direction is to do what, I found myself spending most of my time getting close and personal with things such as the floor and walls as the video below shows…

One thing that has impressed me is the video editing ability, if you enjoy capturing funny moments, fails or if you have skill then tricks you’ll enjoy the pants off this. It’s so easy to capture the video and edit the camera angles, effects and size of skating clips. After you’ve edited the clips they’ll be uploaded straight to the Skate website where you can view/rate other people’s videos.

The only other things I feel I need to mention is that Skate 3 has nearly 50 registered artists on the soundtrack, here you’ll see artists such as The Misfits, Steel Panther and Neil Diamond. As you can clearly see from those three artists the soundtracks got quite a wide variety of artists.

My opinion on this game is quite high in comparison to what it was before I played this game. Before I played the game I was expecting it to be just like Tony Hawks, I’m glad I was wrong because I really enjoyed this game, it brings a nice fresh feel to skating games. I’d recommend this game to skaters, people who’d like to skate and even people who aren’t fussed on skating as it is a truly fun game.