Is There Anything Called the Best Resveratrol? Know the Facts

Is There Anything Called the Best Resveratrol? Know the Facts

Resveratrol is a bio flavonoid produced by certain plants to defend themselves from the attack of pathogens like fungi and bacteria. 70 kinds of plants produce this. But further research has gone into the plants that produce red grapes, mulberries, roots of Japanese knotweed and peanuts that synthesis this. While there is no difference amongst resveratrol produced by these plants, what is important is to select the best resveratrol supplement. I will explain the reasons.

Resveratrol has antioxidant property. Since the pathogen that affects the above plants affect human also, it is nothing but logical that resveratrol can be used as antibiotic antioxidant for human. This is how the interest developed in undertaking research on this. However, the research is not conclusive in many aspects excepting that it has antioxidant properties. That is why selecting the best resveratrol is vital.

It is better to take it in a small dosage instead of taking high dosage. Once you develop confidence, then you can increase the dosage. Why to take risk when the research is in rudimentary stage?

The metabolism of resveratrol is very unique. If you take 25 mg pill, less than 5 ng gets into one ml blood.

Emodi is another antioxidant. It is added as an additive to improve the benefit of resveratrol. However it is counter productive if emodin dosage is more in the resveratrol pill. The supplement should have a concentration of more than 50% trans- resveratrol to reduce the emodin addition.

The best resveratrol should be the one which can satisfy the above conditions. However, finding out such supplement is not that easy but not impossible also.

I have found one nutrition supplement that has 15 to 20 mg of resveratrol amongst other nutrition derived from more than 70 natural herbs and salts. This provides synergy to nutrition intake. This is enteric coated thus ensures maximum reach to the blood. The concentration of trans-resveratrol is more than 50%. Also this has various nutrition there is no additive in the form of emodin etc., as filler. Daily I am taking this supplement and get maximum benefit for my immune system. I lead a healthy life.

You should visit my website and I am sure you had reached the right place to select the best resveratrol.