It’s Not About The Listing Price, But The Amount Of The SALE!

It’s Not About The Listing Price, But The Amount Of The SALE!

In my, over 15 years, as a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, I have often witnessed, homeowners, considering selling their homes, and considering, hiring the real estate agent, who might, best serve and represent, their needs, and requirements, who, were overly influenced, by someone’s suggested, listing price! Instead of focusing on what it might sell, for, they often, seemed to fail, to realize, there is a big difference, between a proposed, initial price (offered, and listed – at), and the final price, of the SALE! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and, why it’s relevant and important, to the home – seller.

1. Strengths; selling; system; solutions; strategy: Sometimes, an initial listing price, is a well – considered, strategic move, based on something, specific to the property, or current real estate market! How does this particular house, compare, to its actual competition, in the specific area, and home – style/ size? How might one best market and represent it, in order to maximize the impact the strengths, while minimizing and addressing, areas of weakness! Is there a well – considered, system, which thoroughly examines these details? The strategy must focus on the final solutions, and achieving, the best possible price, in the shortest period of time, with a minimum of hassle!

2. Attitude; aptitude; attention; actions; astute: Hire an agent, with a positive, can – do, attitude, and the well – developed, aptitude, and skill – set, which will best serve you, and your needs, goals, and personal priorities! He must exhibit astute behavior and foresight, while paying keen attention, to the bigger – picture, and proactively, take the right actions, which create meaningful positive results!

3. Listen; learn; lessons: If a homeowner is capable of learning the lessons, from those, who previously, went through, this, often – stressful, process, and period, there are fewer surprises! Hire an agent who will listen to your specific situation, learn from you, and his experience, and proceed, in the best way, for you!

4. Entire; emphasis; empathy; efforts; endurance; excellence: You need someone, who looks at the bigger, entire picture, and focuses, on getting you, the finest price, and terms, for your personal situation! When he proceeds, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy, and places his emphasis, accordingly, while using his best efforts, the homeowner benefits! Since, there are often, many obstacles, and challenges, throughout the process, the finest agent, proceeds with endurance, to persist, when others, give – up! Never settle for good – enough, but he must demand his utmost degree of personal excellence, consistently, and always!

It’s not the price, it’s listed for, but the amount of the final SALE! Since, for most people, the value of their house, represents, their single – biggest, financial asset, doesn’t that make sense?