Jasmine – Queen of The Night

Jasmine – Queen of The Night

I remember a rather trivial incident several years ago which yet relates to the topic in question. It was a hot summer’s evening; the twilight was already setting in as I was travelling home in a heavily crowded bus. The crowd in the bus made it hotter and more humid with their exhalations, rendering the air heavy with the stench of sweat and awful body odour. With every one perspiring acutely the odour was quite oppressing and unbearable. The bus moved on at a snail’s pace with more and more people struggling to find their way in at each stop. It was truly stressful as the malodour assailed our nostrils with a vengeful disposition. I was wondering if I should alight at the next stop and walk home, as it was impossible to stand the miasma any longer. Before I could decide however, the bus stopped at the next stop. Luckily here a significant part of the crowd alighted and were replaced by only a few new passengers. I then decided to stay put.

It was at this point, that a sudden whiff of fragrant fresh Jasmines filled the bus and everyone gasped in relief. I discovered that a few women who had boarded the vehicle here were each wearing a small bunch of fresh Jasmine flowers in her hair. The change in the air could be felt with a pleasant difference as the perfume of the flowers permeated all over the bus alleviating us with sense of deliverance. The persistent fetor quickly vanished even as I wondered at the cleansing potent of these heavenly flowers. In my mind I secretly blessed the women who brought about such a change in the air though they were themselves ignorant of the relief they brought in with the wonderful flowers they wore that evening.

Come summer and the late evening air is rent with a pleasant redolence of the divine Jasmines in the neighbourhood. A walk in the colony is enrapturing as the flowering plants nurtured carefully in many houses put up their blossoms for display each competing with the other in proffering the best fragrance and imbuing our senses with subtle delight. And when the moon shows up in the sky, the flowers somehow seem to further enrich their perfume. It is probably the combination of the moon and the delicate Jasmines that had charmed men for ages into their most romantic selves and aptly christen the exalted flower as the ‘Queen of the Night.’ For the flowers are at their best only in the night; an attribute that only a few other flowers probably share.

What is it about this little flower that makes heads turn? How is it that this tender blossom becomes the ‘queen of the night?’ What is it in these flowers that mesmerises men and women alike? Bearing little beauty in itself unlike the reginal rose or the consummate lotus or even a plain marigold, it is too small and rather insignificant in its looks. Or is it? In its isolation perhaps it may be quite unpretentious too; but in its multiplicity it commands traits that beat the best of the flowers in every attribute. A whiff is all it takes to change even the worst moods into sober and soothing spirits. The flowers have a strangely mystical power to induce a sense of gladness. There’s something in them that brings about a sense of calmness and relaxation when sniffed and felt. It is but natural that though thousands of years have passed since the little wonder was discovered, its allure only keeps pervading across newer horizons. It is rare for a lady wearing Jasmines to be unnoticed. The flowers have a strange and wonderful attribute in that, that they also enhance the beauty of a lady bringing in a certain charm and delicateness into her persona.

Jasminum Sambac as the divine Jasmine is scientifically named, since time immemorial has been an intrinsic part of the cultures of several Asian countries. Though believed to be of an Arabian origin it has been actually sourced to the South Asian region. While it is the national flower of Philippines, Indonesia and Pakistan, it plays the role of the most important flower of even the distant Hawaiian Islands across the Pacific. Now the flower has found its place in Europe, Australia, Africa and even the Americas. The flowers are now a major source of commercial perfume extraction, and they find their way into Jasmine oil, Jasmine spray and for consumption in China as Jasmine tea.

In India, especially the south, no celebration is complete without these flowers. For traditional weddings every girl adorns herself beautifully with these flowers. In fact it is an unwritten norm that women wear silk sarees and beautify their hair with long clusters of woven Jasmines when attending weddings. The bride herself is impeccably adorned with these lovely flowers and made seated in the wedding gazebo. The flowers inevitably find their way on to the celestial bed without the presence of which, it is believed the ceremony is incomplete. It is perhaps true that Jasmines have aphrodisiac capabilities, for their use in marriage rituals is so inescapable. There is almost an anthomaniacal fervour attached to these magical blooms so much so that in rich wedding celebrations, the aisles are strewn with these flowers and guests showered with them rendering the air with euphoric delight.

Jasmines for centuries have exhorted beauty, purity, grace, and tenderness that remains nonpareil and will continue to inspire multitudes, for all it takes is a whiff of their blithesome perfume to imbue our senses with inexplicable rapturous ecstasy. The hallowed Jasmine in its timeless fragrant exuberance and acclaimed for its myriad virtues is thence truly ‘The Queen of the Night!’