Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Deals With the Next Great World Event – It Will Be Quite Something!

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Deals With the Next Great World Event – It Will Be Quite Something!

What will be the really next immense great world event? Read on. It will happen whether you want it to or not – whether you will believe it will happen or not!

Continue with me in our reading and study of Luke Chapter 12 as we come to verses 35 to 48, where we are reading these words of Jesus. Now for us the resurrection has happened – Jesus has been to the Cross – Jesus has been raised from the dead – Jesus has ascended and has returned to the Father. Jesus has completed the work the Father sent Him to do. Jesus has poured out the Holy Spirit and we have had the privilege of sharing in that experience.

We have read of how important it is to remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our study has to be a little longer because it is difficult to divide this section.

Jesus has been teaching His Disciples – giving them words of warning – pointing out various pitfalls, dangers and hazards along the way – but also giving very positive guidance and direction – especially where values are concerned.

Jesus has spoken about hypocrisy – fear – greed – and worry. He dealt with that interruption. He spoke about God caring and providing – and where to invest and why.

Now Jesus says in verse 35, “Be dressed ready for service – and KEEP your lamps burning.” Jesus was aware that it was possible for disciples to slouch around – not ready – and be so careless as to let their light go out. I wonder if that is not the picture of much of what today is regarded as the Church?

Jesus is teaching disciples – You are like servants of a Master – and the Master has gone off to a wedding. These servants are watching and waiting for the master to return – so that when he knocks on the door – they will be ready to run and open it – and welcome Him home. Jesus says so much – in a few words.

Of course Jesus is referring to the next great world event – The Second Coming – or – The Coming Again of Jesus Christ. There are some 300 references in the Bible to the Second Coming. God is saying to us through His Word – Be ready – be alert and awake – watching and prepared for the return of Jesus.

There are many people who do not know that Jesus Christ is coming again. The vast majority of people in this land are not aware of it. Some who know that the Bible says something about Jesus coming again – do not believe it – and do not want to believe it.

Jesus is as clear on this topic as He is on other vital topics. I will come again – you will not know exactly when – but be ready. If there is one word in these opening verses which seems to spring out – it is – “READY”. Be dressed ready.

Jesus expects His disciples to be ready – waiting and watching and working.

Verses 39, 40. The picture changes and a new element is suddenly introduced. Jesus urges us to understand clearly what He is teaching. Jesus points to the nature of His return – the unexpected appearance. To those who are not ready Jesus Christ’s coming again will be as frightening and terrifying as a thief breaking into an unguarded house.

V:40 – be ready – I will return at a time when you think it will not happen. At this point Peter asks a question. “Do we your disciples need to be careful – or are you speaking to everyone? Jesus, are we all right?”

Jesus did not answer directly. He told them something else. There are some questions you do not bother answering.

Jesus goes on to speak about the senior servant in a master’s house. His lord had promoted him – and placed him in a position of responsibility. He was appointed as a ruler over the other servants. v. 42. It is the master who appoints this person – to a position of leadership and authority and responsibility.

His task is to look after those under him – to feed and provide for those over whom he has responsibility – to care for those he leads – and – the greater responsibility, the greater the faithfulness.

Blessed is that promoted servant, whom, when his lord returns, finds him working and serving in a loyal responsible manner. The leaders are to be just as faithful when the master is absent as when he is present. If the master finds such faithfulness, that person will be promoted even further. Jesus is saying – Be faithful in what you are doing where you are.

Be where you are supposed to be at present and be doing what Jesus Christ wants you to be doing just now. As Jesus sees our loyalty – our faithful service – He opens up new ministries – and will give further opportunities to serve in the kingdom.

Verse 46. But if the promoted servant is UNFAITHFUL – and the lord returns – what happens? He places the unfaithful servant among the unbelievers.

There are rewards for the faithful, and judgment of the unfaithful.

Scepticism regarding His Return can produce misuse of authority – lax behaviour and sloppy conduct. No matter how close to the lord you may have been – no matter what experience or position or relationship you may have had – what matters is – being faithful to the end.

This whole idea of ‘saved’ is used casually and carelessly – within the church.

“How many were saved?” Well – I don’t know. How many were faithful right to the very end and died faithfully serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you see now how Jesus is answering Peter’s question? “Peter, you’d better be very very careful.”

‘Saved’ is always – will be saved – are being saved. Yes, there is assurance – and yes, there are dangers and pitfalls and hazards. Do you see how this important Chapter knits together?

Verse 47. Jesus goes on to teach – The servant who knows the Lord’s will and wishes, but pays no attention to them, will be more severely punished than someone who does not know the Will of God.

How does that apply to us – as individuals – as a fellowship – and, of course, as a nation – with all the Bibles – Pastors – teachers – places of Worship – tapes – conferences – seminars – so many opportunities?

This is given to us to enable us to become godly – more like Jesus – to be lights in the darkness. And one day – when the Master returns – when the Lord Jesus appears – we will have to give an account – as to how we have used these opportunities and openings.

We have been given so much – His Blessings – a Father’s Blessing is such an important matter in the Bible – the anointing of the Holy Spirit – His Presence. Our duty is to handle all this responsibly. Study this section carefully.

Sandy Shaw