"Karna’s Wife – The Outcast’s Queen" by Kavita Kane – A Fresh Perspective to Age Old Tale

"Karna’s Wife – The Outcast’s Queen" by Kavita Kane – A Fresh Perspective to Age Old Tale

A fictional twist to the most well-known epic, from the perspective of an unknown character, Princess Uruvi, wife of Karna. The tale is in sync with the epic but shows us an aspect which has always been unexplored bringing in a lot of fresh perspectives and narrations to the forefront, leaving the audience thinking over, even after they put the book down.

Mahabharat, has taught us that Karna was a great warrior, but could never reach his true potential as he always sided with the evil Duryodhana. This book brings out the multi-faceted character and tells the story in such a beautiful narration that by the end if the book, you are left wanting more. You want to dig up and read more about Karna. Was there any truth to the aspects brought out in the narration or they totally fictitious?

The story strikes a chord right from when a love-struck princess refuses to see logic & warning by her parents and well-wishers. She is so smitten by this great warrior that she decides to go against everyone and chooses him in Swayamvar. Karan is chosen over Arjun, his arch rival and is himself confused, as to why? He had heard that this princess was to marry her childhood friend Arjun but on the day of Swayamvar, he finds himself smitten by her beauty and returning home with her as his queen.

Her life takes a turn and nothing is as she dreamt of, very soon after marriage she realizes, why everyone around her was cautioning her to not marry Karna, the low caste, Sutaputra. As she decides to look past the politics of Kuru brothers and settle down in her marital bliss, comes the horrific day of Draupadi’s disrobing and Uruvi’s life is never the same again.

A wonderfully written tale, with beautiful emotions of a wife worried for her wronged husband. Wife torn between her love & conscious. Will she ever be able to love & laugh like before? Will she ever be able to forgive and move on in life? Will she ever be able to become the love & strength Karna has started to look in her?

The depiction of constant turmoil that Karna goes through day in and day out, because of the mystery around his birth. The story of a mother ready to sacrifice her own son, story of a son searching for his mother, yet giving her up ultimately…

Loved reading this one for its simplistic language, wonderful narration and freshness of characters. Go on and give it a try, don’t think you’ll be disappointed…