Keeping Your Baby Clean at Dinner Time

Keeping Your Baby Clean at Dinner Time

Let’s face it, keeping your baby spiffy and clean is one of the hardest challenges as a parent. There is only so much you can do to keep your baby looking squeaky clean. So you need some back up in your day to day activities. You can bathe your baby and keep some handy wipes and detergent pens handy at all times. But dinner is an inevitable dirt seeking frenzy. Dinner time is your child’s one opportunity every single day to get as messy as possible and have fun while doing it. Whether the food is on the floor, walls, your baby’s hair, or even your hair, there is one place you don’t want that food to stain up and that’s your baby’s clothes.

Baby bibs are a great way to catch food and protect your little one’s clothes. Bibs are very easy to clean up too. Once baby is finished with breakfast, lunch, or dinner you can simply take the bib off and throw it in the washer for next time. Always have a stash of bibs on hand for every meal. Let the bibs work for you to help protect your babies clothes and allow for an easy clean up.

Bibs don’t have to be bland and boring anymore. There are many fun shapes, colors, designs and materials out there so buying a baby bib might be a little harder for some of you out there. They come in cute bouquets of bibs that can be used for any baby shower gift or a gift just for you and baby.

So keep your baby looking clean and start to lift some of your tension from cleaning. Grab a bib or two to help with feeding time.