Kim Jung-Un Vs World: The Nuclear War That Will Never Happen – Part 2

Kim Jung-Un Vs World: The Nuclear War That Will Never Happen – Part 2

A Global Thermonuclear war is not going to ever happen! However, through-out the perpetual ages of global human trafficking; regional wars, famines, diseases, genocides, economic recessions, etc, will be allowed to further distract humanity.


Because these man-made Black Psyops are needed to reinforce the religious and financial narratives (ie monotheism, capitalism, communism) that keep humanity under control.

(Remember: "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion … if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.")

Who is behind the Black-Psyops against Humanity?

The United States government Incorporated and its proxies (ie mainstream media, Non-profit Groups, Politicians, United Nations, KKK, Shriner's, Freemason's etc.)

(Remember: The Authors become the Authority, and the Authorities declare their own information to be Authentic!)

As long as the world's population is being fed false information via disinformation campaigns in the form of (ie racial tensions, contentious elections, political discord, Geo-Political Saber Rattling, etc.) intentional distractions that keep humanity from ever finding out the truth that the world we live in is a giant aquarium!

The NASA space program is an absolute fraud! Which is also inclusive of the European Space Agency in cooperation with China, Russia and Japanese space agency programs.

When did the "Authorities" find out the truth?

Jean-François Champollion deciphered the language and revealed the secrets of the Ancient Egyptian civilization for The Grand Orient de France Masonic Order by translating the Rosetta Stone and several hundred other ancient texts. Prior to 1828 the only 'proof' that existed of "Flat Earth" were the records of antiquity from Alexandria on Elephantine Island near Syene (Aswan, Egypt) Ancient Babylon The Treasure of Nimrod, The Iraqi National Museum (Baghdad, Iraq) and the Vatican Secret Archives. Champollion's translations were considered "heresy" because they did not fit the "Loving God" narrative of the Roman Catholic Church and he was murdered by masons from P2 Masonic Lodge.

In 1871 the Thule Society was a secret society that existed as the precursor to the Nazi Party. Its members called themselves "Theosophists" and are known to be the custodians and keepers of esoteric occult knowledge passed down from the Antediluvian period.

In 1934 Adolph Hitler's major ambition was to become Supreme Chancellor of Germany in order to have a seat at the table of the League of Nations. As the ruler of Germany, Adolf Hitler spared no expense and committed ALL the economic resources of Germany to explore the masonic legends of the Thule Society. In 1937 Nazi Germany was the first regime to confirm the existence of the "Flat Earth" via Nazi technological achievements under Project Vril.

What is the truth that Adolph Hitler discovered?

The so-called "Globe" is a 24,901 mile wildlife preserve. The V-2 rockets that Nazi Germany launched were ballistic missiles that contained 'High Altitude Cameras' that obtained photographic proof that only existed previously in the records of antiquity from Alexandria on Elephantine Island near Syene (Aswan, Egypt); Ancient Babylon The Treasure of Nimrod; The Iraqi National Museum (Baghdad, Iraq) and the Vatican Secret Archives.


Because, "There is no religion higher than truth." In the United States, the Founding Fathers were newly & duly "Accepted Freemasons" but they did not have the access to the sacred records of Antiquity that their European brethren possessed. So American masonic fascination with Egyptian and Persian antiquities was even more insatiable. The Shriner's and Freemasons that ran The Federal Reserve Bank and Americas wealthiest corporations were desperate for occult knowledge. It wasn't until the late 1950's under 'Operation Paperclip' that the military industrial complex had finally acquired the Nazi scientist to help develop the technology to confirm the truth.

In 1961 President John F. Kennedy, declared that space exploration is a budgetary priority and began a dramatic expansion of the US space program. In 1962 (ie Operation Fish Bowl) President Kennedy reaffirmed the United States commitment in his "We choose to go to the moon" speech.

President John F. Kennedy had the moral courage and leadership to commit unlimited resources to confirm the 'Truth' about the "Globe". Unfortunately, the "Deep State" did not agree with informing the world's general population. President John F. Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963 (like Jean-Francois Champollion) by Masons of the of P2 Masonic Lodge, now operating under the auspices of the CIA.

Where does Kim Jun-Un fit into the picture?

It's the highest priority of the ALL the world government to maintain TOP SECRET / SCI for individuals with "Level M" National Security Clearance and above!

North Korean Leader Kim Jung-Un is not a member of the "Grand Masonic Lodge. The People's Republic of North Korea are not Christians; Muslims, Jews, Hindu's, etc. The people of North Korea do not have a religious ideology! not controlled by the IMF or World Bank. The People of North Korea are obedient and loyal to their leader and "nothing is restrained from them from which they imagined to do – Genesis 11: 6 KJV. The people of North Korea are One!

The World Masonic "Authority" is fearful of Kim Jung-Un because he is like Nimrod! The greatest fear is that Kim Jung-Un will put "High Altitude Cameras" in the ballistic missiles – not nuclear bombs! Kim Jung-Un has the power to reveal the secret knowledge that our Ancient ancestors already knew! The Globe we live in is …