Kingdom of Bhutan Became More Available For Tourists

Kingdom of Bhutan Became More Available For Tourists

The Kingdom of Bhutan hidden deep in Himalayan mountains has been known as one of the most inaccessible states of the world down to recent times. Bhutanese and their government treat foreigners like this: to allow as less tourists as possible in order to save their solitude and peaceful tide of life.

It must be confessed that Bhutanese really have something to care for. Their country represents a mainstay of Buddhism; the ancient Tibet culture is being kept untouched here after Tibet seizure by Chinese. Bhutanese have hardly defended their independence from socialistic China’s encroachment, having referred to help for India and United Kingdom.

Bhutan is called “Hidden Holly Land” in texts of Middle Ages as the small state hasn’t contacted to outer world for a long period of time; few people knew about this country. Its inhabitants led by lamas and Bhutanese King strived to Enlightenment.

However, government decided to come to terms with the foreigners’ interest for the latest time. Terms for visiting became much simpler, however no one will let you to travel free and to stay where you want. Visa costs just $20 but you have to pay $200 in advance for each day being in the country. This amount provides with a car and a guide, waiting for you in airport on arrival and also drinks and food in the hotel you will be taken to.

It’s impossible to refuse from accompanying. A Bhutanese with a strange smile, reminding Buddha pictured on the walls of local temples will certainly follow you. First of all in order to keep your curiosity from being beyond the scope of modesty, allowed in this country.