Land Investment – Why Investing In Costa Rica Could Make You Rich

Land Investment – Why Investing In Costa Rica Could Make You Rich

Costa Rica land investment has been making savvy investors triple digit profits with low downside risk for years.

Will this growth continue and how do you get involved in land investment in Costa Rica?

Let’s find out.

Why land values are soaring

The reason is simple demand is high and the reason demand is so strong is, people want beach view property.

With prices at up to 70% less than in the USA, Americans and other foreigners are investing in Costa Rica Property and it needs to be built on land.

Buying land in the right location and selling it to developers therefore can yield huge gains and gives investors low risk.

The property boom in Costa Rica has been in place for several years but their looks to be no sign of a decrease in investment, as Costa Rica remains the number 1 choice for investors in Central America.

Unlike many other Central American countries there is a large expat community and by its very nature this attracts more foreigners.

The community is well established, continues to grow and land buyers here get the following advantages:

1. The same rights as residents when purchasing

2. They can buy easily and the Government makes it easy

3. It is very tax efficient

4. Many popular locations offer triple digit gains with low risk

5. Unlike many countries Costa Rica is stable and democratic with a history of encouraging foreign investment

Where are the best locations to buy?

The best locations are on the Pacific coast and around the popular town of Jaco is a great area.

It has a booming local economy and is popular with foreign investors for its low risk and high reward

Baby boomers drive the market and more gains expected

The baby boomer generation will help land investment in Costa Rica continue to be a good investment as the continue to move to or buy property in Costa Rica.

Baby boomers are buying property just 3 hours from the US but up to 70% cheaper than in the US in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

It really is an affordable slice of paradise and astute land investors are buying land in popular locations and making big gains.

Check out the facts for yourself and see how you can target triple digit annual gains with low risk and you may be glad you did.