Las Vegas Tips for Night Clubbers

Las Vegas Tips for Night Clubbers

Vegas Strip Clubs Provide Free Limos

Aside from going to nightclubs while in Vegas, most of the people visit strip clubs as well. Strip clubs have cover charges that range from $20 to $30 per person. Fortunately, guests can avoid paying this much when they take advantage of the promos offered by the club.

A lot of the strip clubs in Vegas have unusual specials, in which they pick up guests in a limo for free and bring them straight to the club (without paying cover charges). The only catch is they must order 2 drinks (about $40 each) in advance once they step inside. The cashier will give two drink tickets then allow them inside to enjoy.

This promo is mind-blowing but it is offered by many strip clubs. People who have used it for several times were happy with the outcome. These strip club packages are accessible online or by means of a promotor who works for the club.

(People should be careful, though, when using a promoter. It is not advisable to pay for these deals ahead of time. They should only pay the cashier in the club the moment they enter. There are many fake club promoters walking the Vegas Strip during nighttime.)

Nightclub Bathroom Attendants Offer Everything

It is natural for people to forget some things when they go out. These may be a lighter, phone charger, cologne, breath mints, gum or even a condom. Or else, they need some flats because their feet hurt because of their high heels. No matter what they need, Vegas bathroom attendants have them all.

In case they need any of these (or something else), they can ask the bathroom attendants. They are genuine life savers who would love to help. Guests should remember to give a tip if ever they take anything.

Guests Can Get Free or Comp Table Service

During nights that are not busy, nightclubs offer unsold tables free of charge. This promo includes 1 to 2 bottles for free. There are two reasons why clubs do this. First, it does not look good for the business to have many unsold tables. Next, offering free bottle service can entice potential customers to enter their club.

However, comp tables only apply to all women groups. Filling a club with a group of hot girls is good for business. This way, groups of men will be encouraged to pay for bottle service so they can have access to these hotties.

People cannot sign up online for a comp table, not like the guest list. They should go through a club host or promoter. Due to limited supplies, they are more discriminating with people who get a comp table.

Some Nightclubs Allow Guests To Gamble

In Vegas, there are two nightclubs that include gaming areas inside. This is an additional thing to do while people are inside a club. This is just right for the downtime from the time they enter the club until the DJ gets on stage.

People get surprised when they realize that they only have a little free time when vacationing in Las Vegas, especially when they are only there for the weekend. EBC at Night and XS Nightclub let guests enjoy gambling while they party. They add craps and black jack tables inside the club.