Learn How To Freestyle Rap With This Simple Technique

Learn How To Freestyle Rap With This Simple Technique

It is very possible to learn how to freestyle rap. Everyday more and more hip hop lovers are finding themselves trying to rhyme off the top of the head like some of their favorite rap idols. Many who try to do this often times find it more difficult then they thought it would be. Yes, learning how to freestyle rap can be quite challenging to do but it is something that can be learned.

I am going to share with you a great technique that you can use to help you with your freestyling. This technique is simple but very effective if used properly. If you want to be good at it you should take note and implement these methods.

The first thing that you can do is to study some of the most well known freestyle rappers in the game. Ask yourself, when you think about dope mc’s who comes to mind. When I ask myself this question I come up with guys like Lil Wayne, Eminem, Jay-Z, Jin, Serious Jones, Kanye West and Ludacris just to name a few. When you ask yourself this question you may come up with some different names, although I’m sure that a couple of  my names will be on your list.

Make a list of your top 1o-15 and head over to YouTube. Once you are there you then type in the search bar the artist name followed by the word freestyles. So if I were looking for Eminem freestyles I would simply type in the phrase “Eminem freestyles”. When you do this chances are you will get a lot of results. Take some time and go through a few videos and really listen to the way they flow.

I say really listen because when you listen to them as a fan you really aren’t picking up key things that you would pick up on as a student. Even if you already heard one of the raps from that artist already, listen to it again, but as a student.

Listen to the way each artist delivers their raps. Pay close attention to the way they use their punch lines and even how they breathe. All of these things are very important when it come to learning how to freestyle rap.

If you are determined to learn this entertaining craft I would highly suggest taking at least 30 minutes a day doing nothing but listening to these artist. You need to remember that the key here is to listen as a student not as a fan. You will start to pick up  things that will greatly improve your skills and shorten your learning curve dramatically.