Learn Korean Online – The Reason Why You Should Try Learning This Language

Learn Korean Online – The Reason Why You Should Try Learning This Language

Learning to speak Korean takes some commitment, since the language is very dissimilar from almost any other, and certainly differs greatly from common Indo-European languages like English, Spanish and French. Why would anyone want to learn to speak it?

Well, for one, South Korea’s economy is one of the most prosperous in the world. This is important to take note of given increasing economic globalization. Though in the past Japan was seen as the titan economy of Asia, and currently the People’s Republic of China receives the most attention, it is important not to forget about South Korea. When one studies the GDP of the top economic performers in the world, South Korea comes in at nearly 4 percent growth (higher than the united states). The country’s manufacturing sector is strong, which leads to an equally strong export economy. Some of the goods made in Korea include electronics, computer chips, and LCD and plasma screens. The rise of Hyundai Motors worldwide has also contributed to economic growth in the country. People who are studying international business, for example, may discover they have an advantage in learning Korean.

You can also expand your cultural horizons by learning Korean. If you travel to Korea and know a bit of the dialect, people are likely to be impressed with you, especially if you are not of Korean descent. You will be able to get around the country much easier this way, especially the further away you get from the larger cities. You also open yourself up to being able to read Korean poems and historical writings in the original language.

You will need to learn the basics of the language first and build from those. Here are some greetings for you to practice.

  • To say “good morning”, “good afternoon”, or “good evening” in Korean, you say “annyong haseyo”.
  • To ask someone how they are, ask “annyong hashimnikka?”
  • To informally say “hello?” on the phone in Korean, the phrase is “yoboseyo?”
  • When you meet someone for the first time, you can say “mannaseo bangawoyo”, which translates to “pleased to meet you”. The formal version of this is “mannaseo bangaseumnida”.

The Korean language has a complex hierarchy of phrases to use based on age differences or social status. If, for example, you are speaking to someone who is older than you, you would use the formal versions. It is important to familiarize yourself with these rules when learning to speak Korean.