Learning Spanish in Costa Rica With Song and Dance

Learning Spanish in Costa Rica With Song and Dance

People sometimes experience that learning a new language through the classroom is as effective as trying to learn martial arts just by reading a book. Without practice, all those classroom hours go to waste, and therefore the practical aspects of learning are much more important. If one requests what is the best way to learn another language like Spanish, one of the best answers would be to immerse oneself with the culture and people who speak it. The best way to do it is to go and live in a place like Costa Rica. Costa Rica not only allows you to converse in Spanish with the locals but you also get to make music with it as well.

The music of Costa Rica is diverse, a clear reflection of the merger of cultures that characterize the region. The sounds of Costa Rica is characterized by the musical tradition of Spain merged with rhythmic complexes often found in the music of Africa. This does not, however, exclude other influences as it is not exempt from the influence of modernization, being that there are times when instruments such as guitars and terms being more important that more traditional instruments such as ocarinas. Neverheless, music remains to be a vital part of the culture of Costa Rica that it is tied down to the language that it speaks.

A trip to Costa Rica opens the door to experiencing an abundance of musical expression. Music lovers will be guided to hear things such as a symphony being connected by Chosei Komatsu, San Jose's jazz scene, Costa Rican folk music and Calypso, and a fusion of traditional and modern sounds from a band known as Malpais. Speaking the language is always preceded by listening first, and Costa Rican music provides a great avenue to learn Spanish.

The abundance and variety of the musical experience in learning the Spanish language turns what usually is a repetitive exercise into a livelier learning experience. Whose right is it to say that night spots have nothing to offer for the mind? San Jose's Spanish language educators have long decided to teach students within the clubs. Learning Spanish in San Jose provides not just hours of classroom sessions in the day but also puts in hours of dancing into the night. San Jose's love of dancing and clubbing turns night spots into language learning labs.

There are Costa Ricans that hold the belief that dancing is indispensable to understanding their culture along with the Spanish language. It is not surprising as a majority of Costa Rican music have been written as kinds of dance. Listening to the intricate rhythms and melodies of Salsa, Calypso, and other genres and styles of music that exist in Costa Rica promotes movement. As dancing and music form a significant part of life in Costa Rica, such art forms engage the use of the Spanish language in a practical and conversational context.

Learning the Spanish Language comes easy with a musical approach as music is certainly found in the hearts and minds of the people of Costa Rica. Being part of the everyday life of the average Costa Rican, music has become an effective tool in learning Spanish within a cultural context.

Costa Rica Overview Sometimes referred to the Switzerland of Latin America due to the fact that Costa Rica has the highest lifestyle compared to its peers. This has been achieved after disbanding its armed forces and adopting an elected government. Vacation admirers have so many things to do such as walking, scuba-diving, and visiting rain forests.

To hear the music, see the country and learn more, go to Study Spanish in Costa Rica