Left Hand Drive Vs Right Hand Drive Jeeps

Left Hand Drive Vs Right Hand Drive Jeeps

One among the highly debated topics among vehicle lovers is whether to go for right hand drive or left hand drive vehicles. The debate has propelled due to the entry of JDM (Japan domestic market) vehicles. Let us take wrangler -RHD JEEP as our topic of interest and discuss. The choice depends on various factors. First of all it depends on the country you reside. If it follows Right hand side roadside techniques, it is good to have steering at the right. There are so many instances of accidents just because the countries roadside traffic is not designed having RHD safety in mind. Secondly, it depends on whether you are a right hander/left hander. Generally a right hander prefers to have left steering and have his gear shifts at right. Thirdly, it depends on how comfortable you are with right side gear/left side gear. Ideally speaking if you have learnt in a RHD vehicle despite being a right hander, chances are more that you still prefer RHD for driving.

LHD jeeps are costlier than RHD jeeps provided they have the same configuration. On the other hand the resale value of RHD jeep is quite low and to carry out the task is quite tough. There are misconceptions that the RHD vehicle has different gear shift positions against LHD vehicle. The only difference is the change in steering location. Going down technical, if you are so obsessive about buying a JDM -RHS jeep to USA , then you have to analyze yourself well before proceeding whether to retain the same RHS steering or not.

A conversion from RHD to LHD and vice versa is possible now. The conversion spectrum includes changing dashboard, repositioning clutches, wipers, brake systems, firewalls and the door panels. Some changes are specific to the car design. It is always important to carry out analysis before buying a RHD vehicle and conduct test drives so that you are sure that you are not taking a risk for which you will lament later!