Let Your Donations Help American Children

Let Your Donations Help American Children

If you have ever been able to help someone in need, you have seen the joy they feel from that help. It is very likely that you also felt light-hearted after giving that much-needed assistance. Is not it interesting how doing something to help someone else actually gives the giver a big boost. When you think of children who are going without the necessities of life, such as food, clothes, shelter, or medical care, you may envision people who live in third-world countries. It may shock you to find out how many children in America live below the poverty level – fifteen million! Almost 1 in 50 children is homeless. Homeless children are more likely to also be missing out on healthy meals or any kind of meals on a regular basis. Education is limited, and health-care may be non-existent.

If you have ever thought about helping poor, hungry children, now is the time to step up and help the ones who are actually in your very own backyard. There are many ways you can help. You can volunteer your time with church and other charitable organizations. You can donate cash or useable items to charitable organizations. Did you know you can also donate your old, unneeded vehicle to an American charity that helps American children find hope for a better life? You may not have known that your old car or truck, or even boat or RV still had any value left in it. You probably wonder if it was even worth the cost of a towing service to have it taken off your driveway. Actually, these nationwide organizations will take absolutely any vehicle, and will pay the cost of the tow! That's right, you get rid of your old clunker and it does not cost you anything.

That old vehicle can be repaired or used for parts or even for scrap. If it is repairable, it is either sold to someone who can use it or even given to a needy family so that the parents have a way to get to their place of employment. Every vehicle creators needed money to fund the charitable work of giving children across the United States hope for a better tomorrow. Not only will they find joy, knowing that someone cared enough to help them, but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you really helped someone who needed it. As a side bonus, you will also have a tax-deductible receipt for the value of the car. This is a great way for everyone involved to benefit from a gift.