Let’s Leap Together

Let’s Leap Together

The Black Race just like the black Rose is a unique race. They say black is ugly but I saw black and I knew right away that it was a beauty to behold.

In its deepness it glows to shine just like diamonds found in the deep but the shine is valued after its been polished and cut.

The Black Race is being through a lot but still continues to survive and thrive, we stand Strong, big and bold. They say black don’t crack because we age slow and I have come to the conclusion that there is power in blackness.

My blackness makes me powerful, my melanin sets me apart. I must embrace my shield from the elements that plan to hold me down.

Black must rise through self-awareness, self-actualization and through our history we can see who we are and how we have stood strong through TIME.

It’s time to start building, it’s time to start re-grouping, It’s time to show what we are made of. It’s time we grip the enemy “Ignorance ” by the neck. It’s time we become innovative, It’s time we get creative, It’s time we stop thinking of self but start thinking of our collective.

Black Race let’s think futuristic around the globe, In Africa, the Islands, North America, South America or wherever that color is represented. Let’s plan to execute a 20 year plan for our future generation.

We have slept for too long, “Awake Sleeping Giants”

The past is gone, In the present let us find solution for the future generation.

We owe them a real plan that will work to their advantage. We are accountable for our future generation.

Too much shooting ion the streets, Black lives wasting and then the march that protests Black lives matters, who have we become Victims or Victors, we were the originals turned into counterfeits, how could that be.

The love for self, the love for one another, the love for our race should drive us to become better, so many angry but the anger is not put to good use.

The anger should be used to drive change and not to destroy each other. We must know who we are, our history is important, if we don’t know who we are there is no way we can know where we are going.

Black race find the map to your destiny, our hearts will lead us to where it all started.

Black Race Rise and Together let’s Leap!