London’s Eco-Friendly Taxis

London’s Eco-Friendly Taxis

The city of London has been renowned for a variety of reasons, not all of them have been positive. Historically, during the years of the Industrial Revolution, London was once the most polluted city in the world. Factories involved in manufacturing clothing, metal fabrication and even mining were clustered together. The amounts of soot and other harmful materials were released without limitations into the air, causing the skies to darken and dangerous to breathe into.

London has changed significantly since its dark days during the Industrial Revolution. Although it is still one of the most polluted cities in Europe, the city is making strides in making it more environmentally friendly. One such way is through its recent acquisition of more eco-friendly taxis.

London taxis have had their own reputation. They are seen as the world’s most expensive taxis. In exchange for the high rates, London taxis provide some of the best services and having the friendliest drivers. As such, albeit the high rates London taxis are seen as the best globally. Providing more eco-friendly taxis makes them more enticing for consumers.

The Mercedes Electric eVito Taxi, commonly referred to as the eVito, has been built to be both safe for the passengers and the environment. Installed with a 94 horsepower engine that gets its power from a battery pack made of lithium ion, it drives the same way as traditional Mercedes Taxis.

News of these newer models could not have been released at a better time. London City’s mayor has approved more stringent standards with regards to road emissions, just in time for the 2012 Olympics. Currently, the eVito is being put under controlled clinical trials in order to gauge their functionality before they are used on the streets of London.