Manufacturing A Wire Harness in Mexico – What You Need To Know

Manufacturing A Wire Harness in Mexico – What You Need To Know

Given the penchant for many business to try to save money, it is fairly commonplace to see a company take its manufacturing processes outside of the United States. This goes for manufacturers such as those that make wire harnesses, but it is important for these manufacturers to think a bit about the wire harness Mexico could produce versus a location thousands of miles away.

For decades, the prospect of moving any manufacturing into Mexico has had its ups and downs. Years of political tension have certainly played a part in making a transition to our country’s neighbor to the south a bit tougher a sell. Moreover, customers have perhaps made up their own minds when it comes to having products come from Mexico because they’ve heard enough to make them feel they won’t get a great product.

This hearsay and misinformation is bad for business, so it’s important that wire harness manufacturers rethink their stance on Mexico and what it can offer. Here are a few points to consider:

Lower Operating Costs While Maintaining High Standards – Manufacturers of wire harnesses send production abroad because they know that labor is less expensive, which means bigger profits. These manufacturers, however, are unaware that Mexico has very competitive operating costs, especially in the interior of the country. Manufacturers have found that the workforce is solid and that knowledge of the field is sound.

Market Sustainability Very High – Wire harnesses are used in just about every possible type of industry you can imagine and have been for many years. They are used in some of the most sustainable markets with a dedicated customer base, so with production being moved to Mexico contributing to the country’s own growth, the ability to manufacturer “down south” looks to be a good move for the future.

Easier Access to Site by Manufacturer – If something goes wrong at manufacturing site abroad and an issue has to be addressed in person, how long would it take to get feet on the ground to begin the resolution process? How many resources would be used? By staying close by, a manufacturer has an easier time being physically available to address issues and run inspection of the process. Moreover, having a manufacturing site strategically placed can make for getting product to a customer much easier with lower cost than having to travel longer distances.

Protection of Intellectual Property – For quite some time, there have been issues noted by manufacturers who operate abroad that stem from an inability to protect their intellectual property. A wire harness may not make most people think twice so long as it seems to do the trick, but a cheap knock-off that bears a resemblance to a company’s product could cause distrust among potential, and even current, customers.

The wire harness Mexico is capable of manufacturing should make you pay closer attention to what Mexico can offer. Moreover, the upside to this business relationship is having customers feel as though your product is still of stellar quality, up-to-date on industry standards, and that issues that may come up can be addressed relatively quicker & easier.