Melting the Ice Queen – Are You Up to It?

Melting the Ice Queen – Are You Up to It?

Have you met an ice queen? The answer that a majority of men may give to this question is a yes. All of us may have known or heard of or seen at least one ice queen in our life. Ice queens generate a variety of emotions in men – fear, anger and awe are the foremost among these. What an Ice Queen also represents to men is a challenge – which is why so many men attempt to date her. When they fail, they just add to the legend of the ice queen making her seem even more remote.

To melt an Ice Queen, you need to realize that very few are born that way – girls who are labeled as Ice Queens are usually smart, with a quick wit and a gift for smart repartee that can often border on cruelty. Such girls can spot insincerity in men who ask them for a date and depending on how obnoxiously he behaved, use their wit to belittle him.

Here are some tips on tackling an Ice Queen –

Sincerity and Persistence – These two qualities will be of immense help in your campaign to snare her. Be around her without intruding and try to get into her circle of friends. Once you are in a position to at least casually greet her on a daily basis, make an effort to get closer. Even if she blows you off, try again. She may even develop a sneaking admiration for your persistence.

Patience, Patience – With an Ice Queen you are going to need all the patience you have. Ice Queens could have built very strong defenses over the years and there is no way you can take them down in a week or two. You should understand that it is going to be a long drawn out campaign.

Positive Attitude – When things look bleak and she repeatedly rejects your advances, you would do well to remember that Ice Queens are human too; and need romance as much as anyone else does. She probably had to fend off advances from insensitive jerks and taunts from cruel people about her refusal to date just about anybody that comes along. You probably have as good a chance of dating her as anyone else.