Mexico Living – Retiring On A Shoe String Budget

Mexico Living – Retiring On A Shoe String Budget

Imagine being able to retire on a shoestring budget in the 21st Century! Where can you do that? In Mexico.

If you’re a baby-boomer and you remember how great it was to be part of the financially comfortable middle class then you can live like that again by retiring in Mexico.

Here’s are ten good tips on how to do it:

1. You can get your monthly Social Security direct deposited into a United States Citibank / Banamex friendship account so that your dollars are converted into Mexican pesos and easily withdrawn at any Banamex branch in Mexico without fees.

2. Presently the Mexican peso is at $12.62 per $1 dollar U.S. So, your dollar literally goes twelve times further in Mexico. The rate of the peso has been steady for the last 3 years and continues.

3. You can rent a really nice condo, apartment or house in Mexico starting at approximately $4000 Mexican pesos per month (approximately equivalent to $423 U.S. monthly). Usually, these are furnished!

4. No heat or air needed in higher elevation locations of Mexico, like Tequisquiapan, Lake Chapala, San Miguel de Allende and more locations in the center of the country. This translates to total savings on monthly energy bills!

5. Medial and dental care in Mexico is 1/3rd the cost of the United States and the quality of care is excellent.

6. You can get someone to clean your house for $200 pesos for the day……that’s approximately $15.00 for 6 hours of work. Some home assistants will even cook for you for a couple of extra pesos.

7. Many of the fruits, vegetables and meats are all locally farmed in Mexico, therefore, cutting your food bills to 1/3rd the cost of any where else.

8. Gas for your car is regulated throughout the entire country of Mexico. Therefore, you pay the exact same price anywhere in the country for the exact same quality of gas. Prices are lower than the U.S.

9. You can dine out, in a nice restaurant in Mexico, having a full meal with wine or a couple of drinks and pay no more than $200 pesos (approximately $15 U.S. dollars). This does not include a tip of 10%-15%.

10. You can get a senior card (called INAPAM) in Mexico which gives you discounts for all public transportation, free admission to museums and many more discount benefits. So, a bus ride will cost you about $.05 cents.

The above stated facts are real. I know because I live it. You can live it too.

Based on these facts alone, I think you can determine that retiring in Mexico is going to be like having a party with all the cake you want to eat minus the calories. Now if that sounds like a dream come true, it is.