Muscles Thirsty? Try Glutamine, Not Ovaltine

Muscles Thirsty? Try Glutamine, Not Ovaltine

Sore after that hard workout? A little nauseous? This could be a sign of muscle and general dehydration. We all know that fluids such as sports drinks are a terrific way of getting fluids into your system, but how about aiding those sore muscles. Glutamine taken as a supplement can be just the ticket to avoiding muscle atrophy and pain as well as increasing muscle gains from your workout.

Glutamine is one of the 20 non-essential amino acids that are found in the human body. Non-essential means that the body can produce this amino itself, not that it isn’t important. Quite the contrary, 60 percent of the amino acids found in skeletal muscles are glutamines. Glutamine is also an important part of the cell structure of the intestines and stomach.

Glutamine is important in facilitating the absorption of protein into muscles. This process is also known as protein synthesis. Muscles that are fatigued and dehydrated from an intense workout have a hard time absorbing the necessary protein to heal themselves and become larger and stronger. Glutamine taken as a supplement after a workout will assist in elevating muscle growth and prevent muscle deterioration or atrophy.

Also, glutamine is a growth hormone elevator so maintaining appropriate levels is essential if you want to see solid results from your fitness program.. Glutamine given as a supplement has been credited with improving brain function as well as aiding in general mood improvement. As glutamine is strongly represented in the digestive tract, it has shown success when given to patients with colitis and Crohn’s Disease as well as patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. Its ability to prevent muscle atrophy has also led to glutamine supplements being given to burn victim, trauma victims and those recovering from surgery.

Glutamine supplements are produced in both powder and capsule form by a large number of manufacturers including the following:

Optimum Nutrition

American Bodybuilding

ISS Research

Universal Nutrition