My Friend Is Killing Himself With Prescription Drugs

My Friend Is Killing Himself With Prescription Drugs

My best friend was always full of life. His favorite thing in the world was his motorcycle. He had a Harley Davidson in the US but he loved to rent dirt bikes and ride all over he Cambodian countryside. Its a beautiful untouched country. They love to see Americans.

On a ride in Cambodia, he got lost from his group and was far from the hotel when the sun went down. He only had to get back to the capital, Phnom Phenh and everything would be fine. Phnom Penh is small enough that once in the city limits, it would be easy to find his hotel.

As he traveled through a small hamlet, a flat-bed truck pulled in front of him. He had no choice but to hit it at approximately 45 miles per hour. His body slammed into the side The occupants ran to the body to comfort him. They loaded him in the back of the truck and took him to a hospital in Phnom Penh.

Medical care is nearly non-existent in Cambodia. He got a flight out the next day to Bangkok where the care is on par with the US. An examination showed he was badly bruised but in OK shape. They gave him some pain pills and he went home.

He wasn't able to survive without pain pills. He told no one. He bought them on the black market and took aspirin by the handful. He rejected going to the local doctors, probably to hide his addiction to pain killers. This addiction destroyed his liver. He ended up in the emergency room near death as his liver was failing and could not properly cleanse his system.

Once the doctors discovered his predicament there was little they could do. His pain was so great, much of it caused by a failing liver, he had no choice. They have set him up at a pain control clinic where he now buys his drugs legally by prescription. But he can't get off them.

Suboxone would be an excellent choice for someone like him. Unfortunately, as with most addicts, you have to want to get better. He would rather stay on the drugs.

In situations like this and heroin addiction, most doctors would prescribe methadone treatment. There are a bunch of rules and federal reporting that must be done to get someone on methadone. This is not the case with Suboxone as it is not listed as addictive.