My List of Online Games to Play

My List of Online Games to Play

When it comes to gaming, there are hundreds of websites where you can find online games for free. Many of the websites even feature paid games online that you will get totally sucked into, but I much prefer the free games due to the simple fact that they are much more convenient and easier to play. Here is a list of the top online games that I really enjoy, games online that you may enjoy as well if you have a few minutes to spare:

My Online Games: Pendulumecca

Pendulumecca is like a robot version of Spiderman mixed with a side scrolling game. Your little robot has to shoot out a grapple to grab onto the platforms on the top of the screen, and your robot swings to propel himself forward or upwards. The goal of the game is to get as far as possible, and you will find that you can shoot your robot quite far forward. However, be wary of getting too far too fast, as the platforms will be farther apart and harder to aim at. All in all, a great game to waste a few minutes on when you are on your way out of your house.

My Online Games: Bubble Tanks

Bubble Tanks is a great game where you begin as a small bubble, and you must kill other bubbles to absorb them and grow. Your bubble opponents become larger as you do, and you absorb their bubbles to become an even larger bubble. It’s a great game of endless bubble opponents, and you will find that spending time playing this game will be a great way to pass your weekend.

My Online Games: Sherwood Dungeon

Sherwood Dungeon is an RPG game with a single dungeon, but one so deep that it seems to go one forever. Your warrior gets upgraded as you go deeper into the dungeon, but the enemies continually get harder and harder. You don’t even need to make an account in order to play the game, though you will if you want to be able to save your character. If you find this game attracts you back to play a few times, you should definitely create an account to make it easy for you to pick up where you left off.

My Online Games: Raze 1 and 2

Raze is an awesome action game that can take hours of your time, as I and many of my friends who have spent hours trying to kill that one last alien can attest to. The first game is much simpler with only a few weapons, but you will have tons of fun killing your enemies with a shotgun, sniper rifle, and rocket launcher. Raze 2 upgrades to provide you with special abilities like cloaking and teleportation, special upgrades like healing packs and greater damage, and a wide range of weapons. There are 7 different weapons that you can use, each of which have between 4 and 6 different variations on the same weapon. The missions in Raze 2 are much harder than in the first game, but the weapons and upgrades make this game a killer.