Natural Disasters – Crisis Management

Natural Disasters – Crisis Management

Natural disasters and nature’s fury can upset even the most developed countries and reduce them to ruins. There is primarily nothing we can do to avert such disasters. The only point of control which lies in our hands is the ability to recover from such disasters. It would be mere foolishness to rely and take comfort in the administration and infrastructure in such cases. Calamities such as earthquakes, tornadoes etc can leave us totally isolated form the rest of the world. In such circumstances it is, quite possible that we are deprived even of the basic necessities such as electricity, water, food etc. Read on to get an insight into some of the basic disaster management techniques.

The basic essentials to be stored for times of disaster are explained below.

Drinking water

Drinking water is a must for any human to survive. Having adequate stock of drinking water with purification tablets is a must. This has to be stored based on the number of people in the household. A normal human would consume a gallon of water a day.

Stock of non perishable food

Food is a vital requirement. Especially in times of disasters our bodies would be weak and emaciated. Consumption of rich food is very important in such times of crisis. Food like dry fruits would be ideal as they last long and give us energy.

First Aid Kit

Certain basic medicines and ointments to be applied on wounds and cuts is a must. If people in the house require some medicines as a part of their daily routine, do remember to have stock of these too.


Certain basic stationery such as scissors, detergents and soaps would be handy. It is a good idea to have a radio to be updated with the ongoing news.

Commonly occurring types of disasters and ways to combat them are summarized below.


Earthquakes basically cause the land surface to tremor and shake. The impact of the earthquake is measured using the Richter scale. The rating ranges from one to ten on the scale. An intensity ranging beyond five is quite serious. There are certain places which are prone to quakes and experience such tremors periodically. It is a must for places to be well prepared to handle the situation. However, this can occur anywhere in the world and it is a must to have a basic awareness and be well equipped in advance. Earthquake preparedness kits would be of great use in helping us cope with a devastating earthquake. They basically contain the necessary and vital stationery required in such circumstances.


These are wind storms and can leave behind a trial of destruction. The US has suffered from many tornadoes in the past. Taking steps is advance to handle such unforeseen circumstances is a must.

It is a good idea to plan a sit out place which would be helpful in protecting you and your family from the storm. The basic necessities such as water, food and a first aid kit mentioned above should be kept in mind.

Do take sufficient precautionary steps in advance. Being well prepared is the only way which would help us recover from such calamities.