Network Relationships

Network Relationships

Networking does not necessarily mean attending as many events as possible. It also does not necessarily mean collecting load of business card or having a robust database. Networking is essentially building a network of relationships. It is about establishing a support system which is both beneficial, viable and productive. In order to create the ideal network (s), it take time, commitment and attention to detail.

This article shares practical tips for developing and fostering quality relations for dynamic networks.

Know Your Network

Although, you may have hundreds of connections via online or in person, do you really know the individuals in your network? Consider creating subcategories or groups of people to better manage your relationships. Of course, give certain preferences to groups which have stronger connections and touch points. Learn about these individuals, their associations and how they add value to you and others.

Position Your Network

How do you define an active, viable and productive network? Is it according to the number of individuals? Is it according to how long you have known these individuals? Or is it according to the type of companies or organizations that they represent? Whatever is the criteria, make sure that you follow it when you are growing and adding individuals to your groups. Use a systematic method for identifying, positioning and evaluating the process.

Tap Into Your Network

Last but not least, make your network active by reaching out and corresponding with individuals in your groups. Offer to meet up, have phone / video conversations, make introductions, offer referrals and leads. Be consistent in sharing resources, ideas and other information to advance personal and professional goals. Always find ways to give back and be supportive.

Use these practical and effective tips to build the right relationships which make your network successful. Streamline the process to make it efficient and productive to continue to grow in your endeavors.